Chapter 4: Points With A Side Of Defense

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Me and Elias arrive at school early. There is nobody else around. We head into the boys' bathroom and change into our uniforms, black shorts and an orange shirt with the school logo on it. As we head on to the court, Elias says "D'amato, look." I see Christina sitting at the bleachers. Her flowing black hair is tied into a ponytail and she is wearing the same uniform we are. I head towards her. Maybe she is lost. "Hey." I say to her. She looks up, obviously not pleased to see me. "The dance auditions are in the auditorium." I say. "I'm not here for dance auditions, Liam." says Christina calmly. That irritates me because she called me Liam. My name is Liam, but everyone calls me D'amato. I hate the name Liam. It is just too basic. "What are you doing here?" I demand. "I'm here for basketball tryouts." says Christina. "For the boys' team? Seriously. I don't think a girl should be doing that." I say. She doesn't belong here. Not on the court. "Yeah, well I am." Christina says, rolling her eyes at me. "Got a problem, Liam? Oops.. sorry, D'amato." "Did you just talk back to me?" I say, angrily. How dare she mess with me like that! "That's how conversations work, stupid!" Christina says, laughing. "Want more of the truth? You're basic."

Basic is the worst insult I've been called. My face feels hot and I clench my fists in rage. I don't hit girls, but right now I would give anything to slap Christina. "Say that again and you're really going to get it." I say threateningly. "I thought you didn't hit girls." she says in that annoying sassy voice of hers. "You're a special case." I say, raising my voice. There are more boys here now and they are crowded by the doors, watching. As I raise my hand, Chase steps in front of me. "Leave her alone, D'amato." he says. I turn to Christina. "Ooh." I say teasingly. "Christina, you've got yourself a boyfriend." "Seriously." says Christina. "At least I'm not basic like you." A chorus of "Ohhhhhh!" rises from the crowd of boys by the door. Now I am super mad. I am not going to let this girl roast me. "You just got served, beanstalk!" exclaims Christina. "Just wait until we get on the court!" I yell in her face. "Good luck!" says Christina sweetly. "May the best player win." I say. "Cause I'll be serving you points with a side of defense."

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