Chapter 34: Rumors

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Even though D'amato got what he deserved, I have to admit that this team isn't the same without him. D'amato's height is an advantage in the games, but so is my speed. But this week, they're working us hard, because the tournament starts this Friday. I know how tournaments work. Westbrook and Racine will play each other, Bohner will play against Redwood, Apples will play against Oakview High School and we will play against Ranch High School. We haven't played against Ranch High School yet. Their boys are tall and muscular, wearing neon pink jerseys, looking very unhappy to be wearing these uniforms. Like seriously, who chooses neon pink, of all colors, for a school color? 

We beat them, by six points, from a layup, a three-pointer and another layup, scored in the last quarter by Aiden, Chase and I respectively. More people are coming to our games. In our second tournament game, against Oakview, the student section is so packed that the bleachers are filled and students were sitting on the floor or standing by the doors. Some people had doubled up on seats. Katrini is in the cheerleader squad, doing flips and turns instead of being one of the people holding someone up, outcheering the Oakview cheerleaders. 

It's going good so far. Finally, a normal two weeks, without anything bad happening. 

But when I walk in on Monday, I have that feeling as if my stomach were full of bricks. Something is wrong, very wrong. Students are looking at me and whispering.  "What's going on?" I ask Katrini. "What's with all the whispers?" "Everyone's saying you cheated on Aiden." "What!" I exclaim wildly. "No! Oh hell no! That never happened!" "It's probably just a rumor." says Katrini. "And I think all three of us know who started it." "I need to have a little conversation with Liam D'amato." I say. Katrini grabs my wrist, stopping me. "No. We need to have a little conversation with D'amato." she says. "You can't do everything alone." says Chase. Chase, Katrini and I find D'amato leaning casually against the wall , talking to Aiden. 

"Liam D'amato!" Katrini says. D'amato turns around, suprised to see the three of us. "Is it true you've been telling everybody that I cheated on Aiden?" I say, angrily. "What?" D'amato says, acting all innocent. "No and even if I did, so what? You're probably sleeping with Coach Ricky or something. That's probably the only reason you're still a starter." "Shut up, D'amato." Chase says. "Don't tell him to shut up." says Aiden. "We know it's true!" "But it's not true." I insist. "Aiden, open your eyes and use your brain." To clarify, D'amato was mad about being suspended for three weeks, so he started rumors and somehow convinced Aiden that I was cheating on him. "Just stop lying." says Aiden. "Forget you!" I say. Katrini, Chase and I walk away. Because that's the best course of action right now.

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