Chapter 12: First Cut

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As soon as the bell rings, I head to the notice board, where the list of people who made the first cut is posted. Chase lets out a whoop of excitement and D'amato's friends clap him on the back. I am afraid that I won't find my name there. But as I scan the list, I see my name next to the number twenty one.

21. Perkins

I made it. I made first cut. I'm so surprised. D'amato must be super mad now. He probably is because as I leave, D'amato and Christian come straight for me. Christian grabs my wrist and forces me against the wall so hard that my back aches as it hits the wall.

D'amato steps towards me. "You should've learned your lesson, shorty. This is gonna hurt." he threatens. D'amato punches me in the stomach. Not even a groan escapes my lips. I kick him hard in his kneecap. He flinches in pain. "Go on," says D'amato. "Keep pretending that this doesn't hurt." "You'll be begging us to stop soon." adds Christian, kicking me in the shin. "Whoa man." says Aiden. "Chill!" D'amato releases me.

"Just cause you hate each other doesn't mean you can keep beating each other up. " says Aiden. "I'd hate to get another detention." I say. I walk away, feeling good that I made first cut. Chase catches up to me. "You make it?" he says. "Yeah." I reply. "You were right."

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