Chapter 11: Just Got Asked Out

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I go to the bathroom before lunch. As I'm washing my hands, three girls, a blonde, a brunette and a redhead. approach me. "Hey," the redhead says. "You're that girl trying out for basketball with the boys, aren't you?" "Yeah." I say. This better not turn into the three-girls-pick-on-one cliche. "Are you all right?" says the redhead. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say, smiling, because I was expecting to be picked on for my height but instead these girls care about my wellbeing all of a sudden. It's amazing.

The redhead starts introducing herself. "I'm Mary-Kate Thompson but everyone calls me MK." she says, pointing at herself. "This is Jada Stockett." she continues, pointing to the brunette girl. "And this is Ava Lakewood." she finishes, pointing
to the blonde girl on her right. "I'm Christina Perkins." I say. "Nice to meet you, Christina." says MK. "Want to sit with us at lunch?" I accept their invitation. I invite Katrini and Chase to sit with us.

"So you're actually trying out and you beat D'amato one on one." says Ava. "How do you know that?" I say. "It's all the boys have been talking about." replies Jada, spooning applesauce into her mouth. "Honestly, I think it's real brave of you. Especially to go up against a guy a whole foot taller than you." "I wouldn't be able to do that." says Katrini. "I'd be shaking in my shoes." "Yeah, but don't forget you're literally the only person D'amato's afraid of, even though he's taller than you." I remind her. "I don't think she's the only person." says MK. "D'amato's afraid you're going to make first cut." "Well, tall guys can be cowards too." says Chase. "D'amato just wants to knock someone's head off and make himself look even taller. He's scared because you're so good. He doesn't want you to make the team." That is a stupid fear to have. Only a coward would have that fear. If D'amato wasn't a coward, he'd ignore the fact that I'm a girl and stop trying to make my life hard just because he doesn't want a girl to make the team. Only a coward would gang up on anybody in the bathroom where nobody can see them, where it's three on one. I guess Chase is right. Tall guys can be cowards too.

"Hey." someone says. "Can I sit here?"
I look up and see Aiden, the guy who I think was trying to ask me out. "There's no other spot." he says. Before MK, Ava, Jada and Chase can say anything, I say yes. He sits down next to me. "You're going to make the team." he says. "I don't know, Aiden." I say. "Stop doubting yourself." Aiden chuckles. "I think you're just fine."

"Oooo." says Katrini. "It's so sweet." "What?" I say. "You can't tell?" says MK. "It's so obvious." "There's a social tomorrow. You guys should go together like as a date." 'That would be nice." I say, smiling. " was going to ask you that." stammers Aiden, blushing red. "It's a yes." I smile.

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