What the Fuck IS Grimace?!

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After a few weeks of Working at Michaels Craft store by day and wreaking havoc by night, it's getting kinda... boring.
The bibleteam hasn't even been able to figure out where she is, even though she stays in their area.
"I guess I'm gonna have to be less subtle, those dumbasses. Is that really how we are? Are we that shitty or are the villians we have lame?"
She thinks to herself as she checks some old ass boomer out at the cashier line,
"That'll be 35.60, ma'am."
She old lady scoffs and dumps an entire bucket of change on the counter.
"Oh that's the final fucking straw bitch, I quit. Count this shit yourself. This is the third time you've done it this WEEK!"
Cayleigh takes off her apron (but keeps the name tag) and bolts outta that bitch.
She gets into her white lady car, a BMW, she sighs.
"God, this sucks."
She goes home and slaps her makeup on really fast and rushes to The Bible Mansion.
She knocks on the door three times exactly and waits, Miles answers.
"Oh, it's you, the newest villian. I'm gonna whoop you!"
"Yeah, Yeah, I've been waiting for you to come find me! But since you suck I decided to invite you to the "battle scene take 5" tonight."
Cayleigh tosses a shitty invitation card into his hands and before he looks up again, she's gone. By that I mean, she's in her car. Giving him the finger, before she drives off.
Miles begins reading the invitation,
"Yo, pull the FUCK up to Sister Sacrilegioux's Ass Beating Bash, tonight, 12 am SHARP!! Meet me on top of the local CVS. BibleTeam, get in free. I have some heavy news to deliever so BYOC, bring yo own chair. Food and drinks not provided so eat before. Have bandaids and peroxide on hand, get whooped, bitchboys."
He just sighs,
"This business sucks, why can't I just be a normal science teacher? Guys.. get ready. We have a fight tonight."

As Cayleigh drives off, she laughs to herself.
"Of course, I'm not gonna tell him yet! That would make this story too short thus making any reminiscing scene stupid in the future! So you're gonna have to stick around."
She gets back home and gets some deserved sleep.
After her 6 hour nap, she sees it's 9pm.
After taking a quick shower and jamming out to "Our God Is An Awesome God" by Stichting Opwekking, she grabs a small meal that consists of a banana and a shitty turkey sandwich, hospital level shit.
She brushes her teeth, changes clothes, and fixes her makeup. By the time that's done, it's already 11:30 pm.
"Times to go!"
She yells to nobody in particular, as she locks her door.
After a short car ride, she finds herself on the roof of the local CVS (because FUCK CVS, Walgreens gang rise up) and she waits.
They actually show!
"Well, look who it is! My least favorite people, tell me, Cayleigh, do they know your little secret?"
Elizabathe get nervous, but says nothing.
Bibleman gets angry,
"Hey! Watch your mouth around my woman!! Don't speak to her, you understand!!"
Sister S. Laughs in his face,
"Oh, Miles. So pathetic, just shut up and be "pretty", Yeah? Don't give me your stupid "love my woman" shit, the ones who have to say it are liars!"
"John 2:13-"
"Yes, we get it, bible verse this, bible verse that. I don't think you could come up with a solid comeback if you tried, buddy."
Cayleigh yawns,
"Now, since I'm getting bored and I'm sure it's past all of your bedtimes, didn't really want to fight. I just think it's funny when little 5'8 boy gets mad. Now, take this. See you there, I assume!"
Cayleigh jumps off of the building and runs to her car and speeds off before they see her, because she wants to look cool.
"What are we gonna do, Bibleman? She knows your real identity!"
"Well fucking duh she does cypher, she's Elizabathe. I don't know what we are gonna do."

Bibleman Learns to Forgive, But he doesn't Forget.Where stories live. Discover now