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So it's me again! You can skip it guys but it's better to read it for your own risk! Char. Anyways I would like to thank you guys for still supporting my story even if takes decades to be updated. Lol.

Happy 1.2K reads guys! I really appreciate those reads even if the large percentage of them are silent readers. Don't worry I love all of my readers dearly! But a little favor for you pixies? Can you at least click the Voting star? Hehehehehe and make some random comments about my update.

And wanna thank those people who've been voting and making their comments! It makes me giddy to write more chapters e! So that's all guys hope y'all enjoying Daniella's step by step personality revelations hope y'all still there until the end of their journey!



Lost In The Alpha's TownTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon