Chapter 6

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The interns return to the lab pretty early the next day, in about the same order that they went to bed, working intently while loud music plays over the speakers.

A few have moved from designing to gathering parts and starting to move from hypothetical design to actually building it, as some things that look like they'll work on paper don't work in practice.

By about lunch time, Peter has the general shape of his droid worked out, and has been coding it for a while.

"Want to test it?" Clare asks, walking up next to him and wiping grease from her hands.

"Yeah." Peter presses the button on his controller to activate the robot. It beeps and whirs to life, spinning in a circle a few times before making a beeline for the door.

The pair sit in shock for a few seconds too long, "Uh oh!" Peter exclaims, and they both rush after the robot, which is out of the door and already most of the way down the hall to the main area.

For such a small robot, they don't catch up until he's already all the way down the hall, and into the main area.

Peter finds him rolling down a small hallway, almost at the corner, "Clare! I found him!" He calls, and she runs back toward his voice.

"This yours?" Tony Stark asks when Peter turns around, holding a beeping and whizzing BB-8 in his hand.

"Yeah, sorry to bother you, uh, Mr. Stark." Peter stutters.

"It's alright, it's a nice robot. Are you part of the Internship Competition?" He asks.

"Yeah. My robot kinda malfunctioned and made a run for it." Peter explains, hearing Clare slowing as she runs up behind him.

"Peter, we should really be getting back to the la-b." Clare says, faltering once she sees Tony Stark and the robot in his hand, "Mr. Stark!"

"Your friend is right, you might want to both go back. Nice meeting you two, and good luck in the competition!" Tony smiles, handing Peter's robot back to him then continuing down the hallway.

The two interns turn to each other, eyes wide.

"Oh, my, god!" Clare exclaims, "We just bumped into Tony Stark himself!"

"I know." Peter says, still shocked, "Let's go back to the lab."

The pair heads back, where they're met by their teammates, "What took you guys so long?"

"BB-8 kind of ran into Tony Stark." Clare says, then grins when all the other interns turn to them in utter shock.

"No way!" Kentay exclaims.

"Tony Stark, yup." Peter confirms.

He returns to work, as the rest of the interns grill Clare about it, as he's obviously wanting to be alone to work.

Later that afternoon, the rest of the interns are getting ready to leave.

"What's going on?" Peter asks them.

"We're going to go out and get dinner and maybe go shopping." Amani says.

"We're going to go see a game after we all get dinner." Pio adds.

"Can I come?" Peter asks.

"Sure, we just didn't think you'd want to, you were so focused." Lucas tells him.

"Maybe you guys could meet my friends, Ned and MJ." Peter tells the group.

"That'd be fun, you should invite them to dinner with us!" Clare exclaims.

"Alright." Peter takes out his phone and sends a text to the group chat that he, Ned, and MJ have together.

Peter: Want to come to dinner with me & the other interns?

MJ: Sure, where?

Ned: I'm free

Peter: Cool, I'll get the address & tell you in a minute

Peter hands his phone off to Lami, who sends the address to the chat.

The group leaves the tower, when Peter realizes he left his wallet in his room.

"I'll catch you guys in a second, okay?" Peter tells the group, "Just like, wait for me outside?"

"Okay, but hurry! You only have like 5 minutes until it arrives." Clare tells him, looking at the Uber app.

"Got it." Peter runs back to the elevator and gets in, running out the second it opens, running into his room and grabbing his wallet, getting back to the elevator before the door even closes.

When he gets back to the lobby, he runs toward the door again, only to nearly bump into someone he recognizes as Bruce Banner.

"Mr. Banner!" He exclaims, scrambling away from the scientist and skirting around him a bit, so that he can still leave quickly to meet up with his friends.

"Sorry, ah didn't mean to get in your way kid." Bruce responds, looking up from his reports to look at the nervous kid, "You need to be somewhere?"

"Yeah, like right now. Sorry, gotta go!" Peter responds, seizing the dismissal opportunity and rushes for the door again.

Bruce watches him go for a few seconds before returning his attention to the reports.

Outside, the group is piling into a large Uber, and Peter hops in quickly, "Got it!" Peter says, showing his wallet.

They get dropped about a block from the restaurant they're going too, as it's on a very busy street.

The walk the last few blocks, and see none other than Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers helping pull rubble from a collapsed store front while others help people out.

Peter and the other interns run over, Pio, Oliver, Amani, and Lami each helping to shift the rubble, while Naira, Clare, Kentay, and Kenja help people out from under.

Bucky and Steve are lifting a large slab of concrete with two people under it, when Peter's spider sense goes off. Just as Steve's hand slips, and the concrete begins to fall, Peter lunges, catching the concrete. He immediately fakes bracing it with his entire body, so that he doesn't seem to have super strength.

Steve immediately grabs the last woman out from under it and lifts her free. As soon as there's no one left, Peter puts down the slab, as though it's too heavy for him to lift much longer.

"Thanks kid." Steve says, clapping him on the shoulder, "Save that woman's life, you did."

"Good reflexes." Bucky comments, "Can we buy you kids dinner?"

Amani looks around at the other interns, who just shrug or nod. "Sure."

The group, now 12, meets up with their final 2 members, Ned and MJ, at the restaurant, and they head in. They all order, including Bucky and Steve, and the two adults cover the dinner.

Once they all get their orders, Bucky and Steve say goodbye to the group, and the rest of them go sit down to eat.

Lucas and Pio end up talking to Ned for most of the meal, and Kenja, Amani, Naira, and MJ get along very well.

Kentay and Oliver spend most of the dinner discussing sports, Clare, Lami, and Peter spend it discussing their robots.

Ned, MJ, and Peter split off to go walk around to their favorite places.

Pio, Lucas, Kentay, and Oliver split off to go to the game.

Clare, Lami, Amani, Naira, and Kenja decide to go check out some of the shops around, and just familiarize themselves with the city.

Each group returns to the tower fairly late, Peter meeting the girls on the way back. They each scan their access cards to get back in.

The six cram onto the elevator and get back to their rooms to go to sleep.

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