~Part 4~

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I snap out of my trance as I hear the faint close of a door. I sigh and run my claws down my face.
     My tail swooshed vigorously, I ignored it and just walked over to my bed. I plopped down and double clapped my hands, the lights shut off.

Jesus Christ that's cool

     I tossed and turned to try and get more comfortable, the fluffy pillows were shoved in my face, and the blanket was filled with static and stuck to me wherever I moved.

    I grunted and tried kicked the blanket off, but it stuck to my foot.

  I eventually gave up, the nice calming essence of sleep starting to overpower me. I gently closed my eyes, and my breathing steadied. Then I remember my friend when I was alive saying,

"Breathe manually"

That's when I fell asleep.

The faint footsteps follow behind me, I seem to be running endlessly. In circles and circles. I hear a faint whistle, my ears turn to that direction. The whistling gets louder and louder. I'm trying to cover my ears, but my hands are stuck. I look down, big green vines, covered in thorns, are stuck around my arms.

    I try to scream for help, but my mouth is stuffed with some thorns and vines. I try to run but trip, falling over onto the ground.

     I hear the footsteps getting closer and closer, and when I look in front of me, where the footsteps are supposed to have ended. I see a huge shadow, blocking the dim moonlight  from my face.
     Thick, black tears silently stream down my face. Each looking like an oil can, dripping until it's empty.
     I feel the thorns piercing through my skin, some threatening or already are drawing blood.
   Thorns wrap around my throat, constricting me like a snake. My airways are closing slowly, whilst the shadow man streps from the shadows.
     It turns out, the man was Alastor. He was swirling a gun in his hand, like nothing was wrong. He chuckled deeply. Then cocked the gun.

    "You know, Y/N dearest."

My tight breathing hitched when he said my name.

"I really do want to keep you, honest"

He put one hand over his heart, or what was left of it.

"But, you see. The boss would like me to end you, as much as I don't want to. Or you may respawn"

     His teeth gritted at the last part

"I need to build up your trust! Just enough so I can plop-!"

He made a dropping motion with his claws.

"Let you go"


     I sat up in bed, sweat trickling down my face. The sweat was mixing with the tears, as it made some sort of salty liquid. I looked around the room to see if anyone was here, just in case.
I got out of bed to go to the kitchen, but not before looking at the clock above my door.

3:47 am


     I walk down the steps, my back shivers at how surprisingly cold the main area is. I walk into the kitchen and pour myself some water, deciding I'm not going to go back to bed.
    I get ready to walk around until sunrise, getting my nice shoes and putting up my hair.
My tail wags excitedly.

The Demon Where Your Heart Should Be - Alastor x Reader FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ