~Part 13~

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As I was walking down the stairs a familiar laugh was heard faintly, a little tiny egg boi laugh.


I sprinted up the stairs and leaving Alastor very confused at the last step. I looked at him but didn't have time to say anything because a door hit me in the fucking face. I wiped it off and knocked on Angels door because, you never just walk in to Angel Dust's room without knocking.

The laughs quieted down and Angel opened the door, him wearing just a hot pink bath robe.

"Where the fuck is Geffy?"

He giggled and motioned me to go into his room. He sat on his bed and had something underneath the covers.

'Is this turning into a porno what the hell'

I sat on his bed and he grinned happily, the grin fell when Alastor walked in and was overly pissed with Angel for interrupting his errand.

Angel took the sheet in his hands and said in a loud pronouncer voice,

"I now present to you...Geoffrey Star!"

He uncovered the sheet and held a very happy egg boy dressed in drag.

I immediately picked him up and help him on my hip, screaming 'I love you' and 'I'm sorry I forgot about you, it's totally not the authors fault that she was just making chapters at 3am'!

Angel must've tubbed off on him because he just grinned and winked at me.

I lost it at that point and was putting him on his bed. I was thanking Angel for not using him as a sex toy and Angel rubbed his neck. I quickly hugged Angel and ran off with Alastor.

We went downstairs and I tried opening the huge doors, barely getting them open because well, they're fucking metal doors.

We walked downtown and I saw a little pet store. I grabbed Alastor's hand and basically drug him inside of the store.

When we arrived a little bell rung, signaling we entered. I was looking for a dog and I found the perfect little hell hound.

(( thanks to elenahedgehog for suggesting this!))

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(( thanks to elenahedgehog for suggesting this!))

I picked up the pupper and he licked my face, Alastor looked beyond pissed that he couldn't just run a errand without me going apeshit about everything.
   I looked at him and sighed,
"Look, Al. If you want to just run a errand I can stay here and buy this liTtle IttY BiTty BaBy"

Alastor nodded and kissed my cheek before exiting the shop, faint screams could be heard in the distance.

  I chuckled.

I gently placed the dog on the counter and slammed my wallet next to him.


The cashier looked very fearful, so I calmly said to him,

"How much for this fucking bundle of joy?"

  He nervously looked at me and cleared his throat,
"Ma'am, was that the radio demon?"

I rolled my eyes and said whatever I say when people ask me the same question for the 100th time.

"Yes he's my boyfriend-HOW MUCH IS THE FUCKING DOG?"

He just shook his head and said quietly,
  "T-the dogs free-just don't come around h-here again"

  I giggled and left a piece of gum in the counter as a thank you, which he happily ate.

    He wasn't so happy when the gum blew him up, though.

The Demon Where Your Heart Should Be - Alastor x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now