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As the whole class went,they saw nothing,but flying newspapers,scattered personal belongings,wrecked cars.They heard nothing but the soft sound of the wind.
They knew they were not alone.The zombies are there,waiting.They went to the Greenwich Restaurant which is just nearby,and took the food that was still clean there.Everyone craved on the Hawaiian Pizzas and the Bread Sticks.When Carlos was about to open the door of the restroom,Mariah stopped him and listened first on the other side.She heard groans and growls.She knew they were not safe there.So she told the gang to leave the place.When they got out,they saw a wave of zombies,running towards them.They knew that it's just a few zombies but they're still teens. But Jasmin didn't think twice.She drew out her sword,and she slayed Five zombies in one slash.

Mariah:Wow!Never imagined Jawey could do that...

Jasmin kept on fighting until no zombie had stood up again.Then they walked on.They walked for almost 3 days,with no sleep!They didn't care about their insomia,as they remembered that the monsters can come around any minute.When they found a safe place to stay for the night,they went to an open place,and some started to sharpen large sticks so that the zombies would not be able to bite one of them. Once they had done,they built tents,and in the middle,a fire place. Some started to head for their tents,but some decided to guard the temporary base.

At morning,they woke up,and when they checked the barrier,only a few zombies had been seen stuck in the barrier so they killed the mobs.
After that,they woke up their sleeping classmates,and they altogether,packed and cleaned up the place,and moved on. When they turned to an alley,lots of zombies are in that alley,so they tried to keep quiet,
but to no luck,Francis sneezed so loudly to the point that all the zombies could hear. So guess what did the class do?

...they ran away.

Mariah: Probably it was a matter of fact that they're too many and that we're too small in numbers! They're could be hundreds or even thousands of those shits!

Francis: Yeah! And that took the fact that we can't protect ourselves for the meantime,we gotta get out of here or else we'll get bitten to oblivion!!!

Jasmin:Would you two people please shut your mouths up!

Francis:Jasmin,had you got any idea on how to escape those zombies?Because in my calculation,the only time we got before they eat us is...


Mariah:How about we throw granades at them?


Mariah:Just let me take care of them!You guys run away!

Jasmin:I'll help!

Francis:Me too!

Charlengmagne:Me three!

Andrea:Me four!

Carlos:Me five!

Together,the six friends threw the granades at the same time and...
KABOOOMMM!!! The granades killed all the zombies,and they had a chance to escape,but...

To be continued...


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