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Mariah suddenly heard the smirks and gleeful giggles of her classmates,knowing her conversation with Mikurin was heard.So she shouted out...

Mariah:Hey,I know you're listening,so get the fuck away.

And with that,her classmates were in shock for how in the crazy zombie infested world did she heard what they're talking
continuing with the Filipino-Japanese conversation,Mariah's friends were waking up.With Andrea still taking out some potato chips to prepare for throwing to Francis,Charlengmagne couldn't understand,why of all places,Reign Acts would land their plane on Japan,her four-eyed friend's favorite and dream travel destination.

Mikurin:Sorry but,Aya was right.Your cells were mutated when the zombie bit you guys.

Jasmin:I was the first one who got bitten ya know!

Carlos:You don't need to shout when you explain.

Said female went eavesdrop on Carlos,and the others went their reaction like 0_0.But Mariah blinked back to reality.

Mariah:So,is there a cure for either the six of us or the zombies?

Mikurin:Sadly,no.The virus is unreversable.But do some of your countrymen were saved?

Francis:Yeah.Sort of.

Mikurin:How did you got in here?I mean,I can't get out of here and I'm older than you guys I'm twenty-two.The main entrance is blocked by a horde of zombies.

Reign Acts suddenly went in the room and said...

Reign Acts:I landed our plane on the rooftop,duh.

Andrea:(threw potato chips at Reign)Reign Acts!You should give respect to her.She's older than you!

Reign Acts:Oh shit!I'm sorry!

Mariah:You should say,"Gomen nasai",genius!

Mikurin:No it's okay.I have an idea for all of us to escape.Call them.


She called on her classmates and told them about her plans and others.At first some of them didn't agree.But by time,they agreed.

Mikurin:So this is what we're gonna do.Me and Andrea are gonna make a bomb that can destroy the whole building.It might take long.As for the others,some of you prepare traps.Others will keep on guard.The five of you,you have powers,right?

Jasmin:Lololol.I even summoned sidekick knives years ago!

Dhenzelle:You don't have to say Lol a lot of times.

Mikurin:Whatevs.Anyways, once the bomb is done,The six of you will stay here and activate the bomb.You might have to sacrifice your life,but you might have a chance of surviving.A small one though...

Jazmine Co:Wait,WHAT?!Why are you gonna kill them?!

Jasmin:It's not her decision,it's ours.

All of their classmates were in shock.Amanda started to cry.

Amanda:Mommy,please.Don't leave me!

Mariah:I'm sorry but I have to.It's for your own good.Don't worry,mommy's gonna be okay.Okay?

The class were sad,but they just let it be.

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