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When the zombies are gone,the class were going out and escaping the school,here they come again with the zombie attacking.And it's because of Francis again.

Jasmin:Francis,for the second time,you sneezed again!

Francis:It's because I'm cold you maniac!

Mariah:Guys,less talking,more killing!

Marc Carlo:Dang,won't the herd of these monsters just stop comming?!

Vangie:Like ever someone can ever control them?

The class were still fighting until...

Mariah:Francesca!Hold the child for me!

Francesca:Why me?!

Mariah:Can you at least had done something?!


And with that,Mariah handed the baby over Francesca.While the others were able to escape,Mariah,Jasmin,Andrea,Charleng-magne,Francis and Carlos tried to shut the gates,but they were only half-way.

Andrea:Damn it! I could had been strong enough!

But while trying to close the gate,Jasmin noticed Charlengmagne is almost gonna get bitten by a zombie.She ran...


With that,the said girl looked behind,and thought it was too late.Until Jasmin pushed her,and instead of Charlengmagne to be infected,it was Jasmin who was bitten.

All five:JASMIN!!

While the zombie is trying to get a deeper bite to Jasmin,Mariah shot the zombie's head with a pistol.All of them mourned for Jasmin,especially her best friend,Mariah.

Francis was about to shoot Jasmin,when Mariah stopped him.


Francis:Mariah,accept it!She's bitten!!

Andrea:But how can you prove she's already infected?How many minutes it has been when she was bitten?

Francis:It's been two minutes!

Carlos:LIAR!On my phone,it says it's been ten minutes and 26 seconds since she was bitten.

Andrea:That's impossible!It means she's not infected at all?!

Mariah:Positive.We'll find a laboratory.I'm gonna test her blood.On the other hand.Andrea is gonna take care of her.Make sure no body knows she's bitten.

And with her cue,they reasoned to their classmates that she fell asleep.When they found a hospital,they went in and made sure there are no zombies,for that,Edrian and Abigail,Dhenzyl,Sib and Saimon,checked the whole area,even the restricted sections.When they're sure there are no zombies,the whole team went in and locked the door.After that,she went to get a syringe and took a blood sample of Jasmin's blood.She looked at the blood sample under a microscope and was shocked and surprised at what she discovered.

That she discovered that...

...her immunity cells are diffrent and some sort of mutated.

Mariah:No!Why haven't Jasmin told me she had some sort of mutated immunity cells?Could she didn't knew about it?

Francis:It's either her 'mutated cells' became mutated the moment she was bitten?Like we seen in that movie?

Andrea had a sudden flashback..


All six of them were bonding and watching a zombie apocalypse movie,and the part that the main protagonist was bitten so severely by a gross and disgusting zombie,that Andrea accidentaly threw the popcorn at Francis' face,and then Francis thought it came from Mariah,so he threw his sandwich at her,but Mariah thought it came from Charlengmagne so she threw her water bottle but Charlengmagne doged it so it ended up on Jasmin's face,with the cap unscrewed by itself and made Jasmin wet.So the five people(Mariah,Jasmin,Charlengmagne,Francis and Andrea)went on a food fight.

Carlos:I gotta get out of here!

While Carlos is trying to escape,Jasmin spotted him and carried him and threw him and he landed on...


Jasmin:Serves you right,lovebirds!


End of flashback

Carlos:What movie?

Andrea:Ows,Carlos,admit it,you really liked the part that Jasmin threw you to Mariah?How sweet.

Carlos:And you're such one killjoy.Like I ever fucked things up with her?


Carlos:Shut up!!

Mariah:Shut the fuck up you two.Or else I'll ship you as yaoi!I mean,Aspillnalver!

Carlos and Francis:STOP SHIPPING US!

Mariah:Yung dumb,yung love and broke,yung dumb broke high school kids...

Mariah sing sang while the two males groaned.

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