Ch. 15 😘

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I been gone for like a week . I been laying low . Doing my homework . I can't go back home until what I needed to do is done . Don't nobody but Jasmine know I'm in Chicago. I was born here but I don't know shit about out here . I been watching James ass . I got some inside sources he don't know about . They telling me his every move . I'm glad I got connects of my own. I don't need his bitch ass . Little do everybody know James was the one who got me hit . He put a hit on his own son. Everything start coming together once I realized he was in Texas before anybody could even call him . Why he just here all of a sudden ? I just don't get it . I knew he was a wicked mf but not like that . He mad cause ion wanna take over his weak ass business. He think he still got it like that . This nigga have his workers selling MID ! REGGIE ! telling mfs it's Zaza or Og . That's how I knew that shit was a no go . I do miss being home but I gotta take care of his ass . I know I'm missing baby birthday and everything but I gotta get this done . It's deeper than deep . He tried to get me gone . That shit don't sit right with me at ALL ! A lot of shit finna start changing . Jasmine told me she think D and Jada like each other or some shit . I don't even have a problem with them talking because I know him and the type of nigga he is but I ain't gone let them know that shit . I want him to be a man and ask me if he wanna talk to her . That just fucking and kicking her to the curb shits dead. He know ion play about her . I'm mad because I can't even talk to them everyday because I'm always watching his ass . You gotta watch everybody . EVERYBODY.

   Jenni POV

Since the hospital visit James been keeping a close eye on me . I thought he was over everything that happened in the past I guess not . Not only did I steal his drugs but I stole $5,000 . He want it all back . If I don't get it back he gone kill me . When everybody left out that bitch Jasmine walked out the room James beat my ass . He choked me till I almost died .He even spit in my face . He told me all my debt could be forgiven if I do him a favor. Now back in the day his "favors " was killing people.  I'm 47 years old that lifestyle is behind me now but I know he not gone get that part . He still immature and think his old tired ass about that life . It's like every time  I run away he always find me . I can't do shit ! I'm so tired of this . I don't know how much more I can take . My man been thinking me and James getting back together but we not . After I came from the hospital he beat my ass so bad . Then rewarded me with my favorite thing so I guess I won't leave him . I can't keep taking this but I know I'm not strong enough or ready to leave this lifestyle alone .

Boring chapter butttt thoughts ?

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