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I woke up on a hospital bed . I woke up so lost . How tf did I get here ? Where is my siblings?? Where is Dre ??? Did he have something to do with any of this ? Was it his dumbass BM ? Why am I hooked up to all this dumb ass shit ? Why am I covered in bruises ? Why tf do I have a neck brace on? I don't remember shit and I'm so mad . My thoughts got interrupted when a doctor walked in .


"YOU DUMBASS BITCH WHY TF DID YOU PUT A CAMERA UP HUH ? Did you think I wasn't gone fucking find out ? Did you not think I was gone out 2 & 2 together? You wanna start some shit ? How long you been recording huh bitch ? You still recording ? You know what imma give you what tf you looking for ? You like this shit huh ? You like when I'm rough with you and beating your ass huh?? You like being taking advantage of ? Huhhh ? Dre screamed while beating and choking and raping Jasmine.

I couldn't believe the what the doctor told me . I knew Dre would be pissed but not this pissed he nearly killed me . He killed the baby ! I didn't even know I was pregnant! I didn't even k ow how bad this really was . My life is over I haven't even talked to my siblings. Idek what tf to do. I don't know . I'm so lost.

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