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Jasmine POV
Today is Baby's birthday. She been kinda sad since Jay not here but I'm gone have to try and make the best out of it . I'm definitely gone need some help ! . Over the months I actuallyD like him as a person he real chill and down to earth . He respectful . I personally don't care about Jada and D talking . I see how happy she be when he around . I decided to text him .
Jas💪🏾 :D I need help .
D😈:Wassup ?
Jas💪🏾:Just come over . Ohhh and we have to talk .... don't lie to me either 😂😂😌

When I got to the "Safe house " that's what we gone call Jay house . I texted Jas I was outside before I could get out she came outside telling me get back in the car . For some reason I feel like she gone ask me about Jada . Should I lie or tell the truth ? Fuckkkk . I suck at lying so imma have to tell the truth . I know today Jada birthday I texted her but she ain't reply . She probably still sleep .

"Soooooo Mr.Darius you a pretty cool dude so far . Very respectful and a great protector . You know I personally wouldn't mind if you and Jada had something going on . I just don't want y'all to lie or be sneaky . Before you say anything I see how y'all look at eachother . I see how happy she get when you come around . I asked her she said HELL NO but I'm asking you and I want the honest to God truth " Jas said . "

"Mane no we don't talk . Yeah I got a lil thing for her but as of right now no we not together we don't talk the only time we text is when she told me what you asked her  . She act rude asl like I'm not soft but damn why she gotta be hard all the time . I ain't asked Jay tho . I was gone ask but I know he think imma fuck her and leave but I ain't even on that . I don't even wanna fuck her . Just build type shit" D said while smirking just thinking about Jada.
Well now that's out the way let's go shop for this crazy girl .


When I woke up wasn't nobody here . Jasmine or Darius . I was really only mad about it seeing D. I looked at my phone a longgggg paragraph from Jay 1 text from D .  I also seen a text from a unknown number . Idk who that could be especially since I don't give my number out to NOBODY !
Jr😈:HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIL SIS ❤️ I love you I miss you so much baby . I know you hate I'm not there but AT LEAST you got Jassy . Ohhhh yeah and D . By the way wassup w that ? You fw my lil nigga ? I wouldn't be mad if y'all just would've asked me and not be sneaky but still I'm not mad because you basically grown now 😔 . DONT THINK YOU TO GROWN ILL STILL FUCK YOU UP . I want you to be safe and enjoy your day 💕 I love you baby . With my whole heart ... don't ever forget. 💪🏾

BabySis💕 :Thanks Jr . I love you more . & tooo answer your question that everybody keeps asking .... NO WE DONT TALK ! We barely communicate. Butttt since you brought it upppp ... I do kinda have a little minor crush on him . Jasmine think he likes me too but I'm not sure . He don't act like it . He acts regular if you ask me . I'm gonna ask Jas but I had to ask you first . I was scared because I know how you get and how you are . Btw how did you know about  "that " ??? Ohhhhh andddd Jassy been leaving a lot . Idk where she going but it's not to work ..... You be safe . I love you . Please come back soon . 💕

I scrolled down and read the text that came from D .

D🤭😍:Happy birthday Jada 💕💕I'll see you later 😘
Jada😽💕 : Oh thank you .. & okay 😘
  Yalll can y'all believe thatttttttt Jay knowww & is OK with it.? 🤔
This chapter will have a pt.2 !

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