Now Back to the Future makes sense

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English is not my first language, so sorry for mistakes.

What Keith did was, well, dumb. And we're not talking about the part where he smoked again, or only came back home after 1 am, or that he stole Shiro's car to even drive away, no. The fact that he invited Lance to Shiro's party.

The person who annoyed him in detention and couldn't stand, because he made fun of him, or more his mullet. He thinks Lance is annoying, and he only joined him on the swings because he really needed to fill his lings with smoke. Yes, he used Lance for cigarettes, it's dumb, but that's how he is.

Not to talk about that he only invited Lance to the party because he panicked. He didn't want it get awkward, or make it seem that he only used him for the cigarettes -it's still what he did, but whatever-.

But Keith admins that Lance is actually a nice guy. And spending time with him isn't that bad, maybe.

"So, you've found a friend?"

"He is not my friend, Shiro" Keith rolls his eyes "We just talked a couple of times, and that's it"

"And that's why you can't shut up about him?" Shiro smirks in Keith's direction "You should invite him to the party"

"I did" Keith says a little quieter and looks down

"When did you manage to do that? You only found out that I'm throwing a party after schoo- did you two go on a date?" Shiro asks mockingly, still smirking

"W-WHAT, no. I just saw him after school"

"Oh, after you stole my car, you mean?" Shiro raises a brow and crosses his arms

"I said that I'm sorry, okay. Besides it's not completely my fault"

Shiro rolls his eyes "Yes it is. You could have told me, and I would beat that guy up"

"Nope. I don't need Lotor's father in my house" 

Shiro raises a brow again "Your house?" he and Keith exchange looks "Okay, sorry. But i understand. I also wouldn't want my ex in my house after such a break up" Shiro hugs Keith, a little. Keith isn't all touchy touchy, the taller understands.

Shiro and Keith made themselves some snacks, after their little talk, and walk in the living room on the couch. They turn the TV on and watch "Back to the future". The best movie to ever exist.

After the movie ended, Shiro wanted to stat the second movie, just Keith cut him off. "If you think about it, it's kind of a weird movie"

"How can you say that? That's the best movie to ever exist, Keith"

Keith sits up and turns to Shiro "yes, of curse, but listen. Marty McFly just somehow met Doc, first of, Doc is like super old and 'crazy'. How would McFly even agree to hang out with him. Second, Doc invented a time-machine, and McFly just casually gets along with it. Then when he is in the fucking past, his mother tried to fuck him. That is just weird. He then finds the past Doc, then stuff happens here and there. Then the part where no one really liked the end of Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry, what is really shocking because his music is just perfect. Then stuff happens again, his father all of the sudden is really brave and his mother doesn't want to fuck him again. The stuff happens so on and so on. Then this motherfucker comes back to the future-"

Keith's and Shiro's eyes widen and they slowly stand up.

"The movie is called back to the future-" Keith starts

"Because McFly comes back to the future" Shiro finishes.

They stand there in silence for a moment and just look at each other. And then they suddenly jump up and down, as if they were Doc and invented the time-machine.

Not So Cliche After All [Klance]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz