It's just eyeliner, not a big deal

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I changed the cover, name, and description of this story, but t's like still the same. Just thought this would fit better.

On Monday morning Keith sat in front of his mirror, staring at himself and the eyeliner in his hand. Thinking if he should do it or not.

In the end he chose to do it, just to see how Lance will be exited about it, you know like the first time he saw Keith with eyeliner.

After he was done getting ready, he went down in the kitchen. 

"Since when do you go mega emo mode to school?" Shiro asks when he sees Keith

"Shut up. Just felt like doing it" he makes himself some cereal and sits down

"Yeah, keep telling that yourself. Do you want coffee?"

"Shut up and yes please" 

Shiro makes Keith in silence coffee. Once he's done he walks over to the table and also sits down, putting the mug in front of Keith.

"You sure it's not because of Lance?" Shiro smirks

Keith freezes for a second "What, no"

"Sure, then why are you so red?"

Keith looks down "Shut up"

Shiro smiles and they continue to eat their breakfast.

After, they picked up Adam, Matt, and Pidge, since Matt's car is still broken, and they all drove to school.

"You know" Pidge started "After Lance's sister picked us up at the party, Lance wouldn't shut up about how you look with eyeliner"


"Yeah, he was like 'you need to see Keith with eyeliner' and 'he looks so hot' 'his crush is really lucky that Keith likes him' you know, stuff like that"

Everyone went silent in the car. Adam turns around and looks at Keith "Our biggest emo has a crush?" he raises a brow 

Keith glares at Pidge 

"I mean it's kinda obvious. On the party he and Lance went up to his room alone. Now he put on eyeliner for the first time. And on top of that, every time I mentioned Lance this morning, he would blush like crazy" 

Pidge jumps up a little and turns to Keith with wide, and quite exited, eyes "YOU HAve a crush on Lance?"

"W-what no! Don't be crazy" he turns away from everyone 

"Yeah?" Pidge raises a brow "Then tell my why the fuck you are so red" 

"Language Katie" Matt says


"Only Matt is allowed to call me Katie" Keith shrugs it off  "And don't change the subject"

"Okay, okay, calm down guys" Shiro says "Keith, if you don't have a crush on Lance, the on who? Not gonna lie, I want to know and you can't escape my curiosity"

"Oh my god, I'm only seventeen, I don't deserve this" he slides a little down in his seat "And he just broke up with his girlfriend, so not happening. Oh my god, he is straight, I forgot straight's exist" he covers his face with his hands 

Pidge shakes their head "Lance is the biggest bisexual, after Freddie Mercury, I know" 

"Can you not talk about rock stars for at least a minute?" Matt asks

"No, live with that" 

"See Keith, you have a chance" Adam says

"No, he just broke up with this Allura girl, who has been flirting with Shiro. I still can' get over it" everyone shakes their head.

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