Conspiracy Theories and Chill

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"We are going on a trip over the weekend, and we'll leave today in the evening"

"Absolutely not"

"Keith, you need to get out of the house. Besides, I already told Adam and Matt that we are going"

Keith raises a brow "And why would I come with you? It's your small group'"

"Matt's sibling, Pidge I think their name was, also comes along" Keith groans and falls down on the couch "You can ask Lance if he wants to come too"

"Why would I do that?"

Shiro walks over to Keith and sits down beside him "Because you are friends with him, and friends invite each other on trips and such, at least they do it in these high school movies. Come on, Keith. You used to like these trips"

Keith takes a pillow and puts it over his face "That was in the past, Shito"

Shiro sighs "I told you to stop calling me that. And besides you don't have a choice" he puts the pillow off of Keith's face "If you won't pack the things you need, I'll do it and will drag you in the car" 

"Fuck you, Shiro" 

"That's Adam's job" 


"Okay okay , sorry" he says between laughs "But I'm serious"

"...Shiro I don't wanna kno-"

"I mean about the trip" 


Shiro shakes his head "You dirty minded teen" 

Keith sits up and rolls his eyes "As if you were any different"


They sat in silence for a moment.

Keith was thinking. He could get closer to Lance, if he asked if he wants to go on the trip with them. It' a good mover, and if you think about it, it's even kind of cliche. Lance likes cliche things.

"Yeah, okay, I'll go. And I'll asks Lance. And besides, will we fit in the car. Who will come along? Matt, Pidge, Adam, probably Lance, you and I, six people"

"We will fit in the car. remember when Matt's car was broken and he and Pidge drove with us to school? We also were six people" Keith nods "Okay, go call Lance" Shiro stands up and leaves.

Keith never asked someone to join a trip or whatever. And now he is a bit nervous. he wouldn't be as nervous to ask Pidge or Hunk, but lance is another situation. It is Lance after all. Wouldn't be as much of a deal, if Keith didn't have a crush on him.

He walks up to his room, closes the door, sits down on his bed. No he stands up, it's more comfortable. No, no, sitting is more relaxing. 

He definitely is overthinking it.

Whatever. He sit on his bed, takes out his phone and goes on Lance's contact, and just stares. 

It's not that hard. Just press call and ask him. It's a completely normal thing to do.

He presses call and waits. One beep, and a second one, and a third one-

"Hi Keith, what's up?"

"Hi. Not much, how are you?" it's better to stand up, Keith decides

"I'm fine, you?"

"Me too. E-ehm so I wanted to ask you, if you want to go on a trip with me, Pidge, Matt, Adam, and Shiro over the weekend?" What if he says no? What if he thinks he is weird for some reason?

Not So Cliche After All [Klance]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin