My Chemical Romance is not the only romance here

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"So yeah, this is my room" Keith stands by the door awkwardly, Lance beside him "okay come in, before other people will do too" he takes Lance's hand and pulls him inside

"Pretty emo" 

"What do you mean 'emo', it's normal" 

"First, you closed the blinds. Second, you have a lot of posters, like really, a lot. Third, messy room, everywhere clothes. Fourth, as I said clothes everywhere and they are mainly black or red. Fifth, almost everything is dark in your room. Should I continue?"

"No, shut up" Keith sits down on his, messy, bed and crosses his arms. Lance just wanders around Keith's room, and Keith definitely didn't look at him the whole time.

Lance stops at his desk "You have make up?" he picks up the eyeliner and black eye-shadow, and looks at Keith

"Yeah? And?" Lance smiles like a creep, glances at the make up and then at Keith again "Nope, not gonna do it"

"Oh come on, Keefers"

"Keefers? No, absolutely not" 

"Keith, please, for me?" Lance does the puppy eyes

"Why would I do this for you?"

"Because we are friends?!" they stay silent for a while, just looking at each other and the eyeliner at times

Keith groans and stand up "Okay, one time and never again" he takes the eyeliner from Lance's hands and sits down. He takes out a hand-mirror out of one of the drawers and looks the last time at Lance "You are going to watch me doing it?"

"Yeah? What else should I do?" 

"Put music on or some shit" he shrugs

"Okay, where are your  CD's?" 

Keith points at his nightstand "Take the one from MCR"

Lance walks over and picks up four "You have four... which one-"

"Three cheers for sweet revenge. I like that one the most" 

Lance nods and puts the other three down "Why are the people on the cover are covered in blood" he asks worriedly

"It's the revenge album.. I mean what do you expect"

"I would rather see flowers than blood"

Keith stands up, with finished eyeliner, and walks over "Of course you would. You listen to what? Beyonce?" he takes the CD from Lance and walks over to the CD player 

"Excuse me, but Beyonce is a goddess"

Keith puts in the CD and starts the music playing. First song "Helena". He just waits for Lance's reaction. "So what do you think?"

"To be honest I thought they only would scream, and you wouldn't be able to understand a word" he says somewhat surprised 

"Yeah, well, listen to Fall Out Boy" Keith chuckles for himself "Sorry it's an insider" 

"For the emos?" 

Keith nods "You know. Their songs have meaning, so shut up and listen to the lyrics" he takes Lance's hand and they both sit down on Keith's bed. Keith concentrates on the music and Lance stares at him. Not only does he look cute when he is focused, but the eyeliner is perfect and suits Keith.

"The eyeliner looks good on you" Lance says

Keith turns his head, so that he faces Lance "E-eh, thank you" not gonna lie, they both are blushing like really hard. "I'm always insecure about it" 

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