BTS in Game of Thrones

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bts in game of thrones - house bangtan (ctto.)

Seokjin: the oldest so he's the beautiful heir who ends up marrying a homely looking lady and shocking everyone because wtff he's so pretty tho, but looks don't matter to him except for his own of course. He loves to cook and take care of others and because of that, people think he's too soft bUT SURPRISE BITCH HES ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD WITH A SWORD.

Yoongi: an artist. He doesn't like swords or fighting or any of that, he's in touch with the artistic side of life and most people don't understand him, they find him rather useless but he's actually very observant and can read people extremely well.

Hoseok: AMAZING AT SWORDSMANSHIP. Not necessarily strong, but quick and agile and pisses everybody off because he's so fast but he just smiles in their face as he knocks them on their ass. Is one of the only people who can actually beat the almighty Jungkook in a duel. Has little concern for the politics of westeros and he might find a certain lord to be quite attractive..

Namjoon: intelligent AND good with weapons. Is probably reading about the targaryen conquest before its his turn to duel with one of his brothers. However his downfall is his clumsiness and his sword always seems to fly out of his hand. He knows everything and anything, a total know it all, but he literally knows it all...

Jimin: the handsome lord that everybody in the seven kingdoms swoons over. All of the ladies and maidens dream of being with Jimin of house bangtan. He's the most kind hearted person, the one to take bread and other food to the poor children, but he also spends some of his time in the brothels. All of the whores fight over him when he walks through the door. Is fascinated by his older brother Yoongi and sometimes even helps Yoongi find inspiration for a new painting.

Taehyung: he basically lives in the brothels. Everybody knows him there and he doesn't care about the politics of westeros whatsoever. Probably travels around a lot, going to different whorehouses and people think he's just a dumbass who only thinks with his dick, but in truth, he's very smart and surprises people with the amount of knowledge he actually possesses. Probably has a dog that goes with him everywhere and he ends up falling in love with a whore.

Jungkook: the youngest and definitely the most arrogant. Extremely good at swordsmanship, works tirelessly at his craft and gets so fucking angry when Hoseok beats him. Probably pouts about it for awhile because he's just a big baby underneath all of his cockiness. Loves to follow Taehyung around, and because of that, he is no longer a virgin. He stepped one foot into the whorehouse and was swarmed by all the girls.


Wooh!! It's been a while armys, Me, couchcarrotpoteyto is very sorry for being so inactive; it's because my phone broke and I don't have any more gadgets to use 'cause I broke them also, thank you for bearing with me and I'll continue to update my two books regularly from now on. Since I use my mom's phone for now :>

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