BTS as dads

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•Y'all imma nut at how great of a dad he will be

•Like wants to read to his kid every night

•He's so soft it hurts

•Plays a lot with them but his practicality gets in the way of his imagination

•How are there all these princess dolls but not king/queen?? Is there no established government??

•Anti most technology sorry your kids not getting any type of tablet

•Classic disney movies are a must

•Matching family pajamas

•Always comes home with cute kid things like different types of nightlights and toys

•Overly cautious, there's safety locks on everything

•Also gets mad that there's safety locks on everything cause he struggles to open the toilet seat in the middle of the night

•Carries bandaids on him


•Starts doing "where's your nose" as soon as the baby is born like there's no point

•Eats a bite of the applesauce in between feeding it to your toddler

•Dresses them up in the most RIDICULOUS outfits

•Matching dad and child cowboy hats

•Will want to be a prince during tea time

•Lots of funny noises ??

•Like not a afraid to howl like a lion


•Insists that your child(ren) were good today and that they should go out for ice cream but it's really just because he wants ice cream

•Doesn't make separate dinners for the kid(s), y'all are just all having Mac n cheese for dinner every night

•Dance parties to get jammies on

•Too many bubbles in the bath they spill over onto the floor


•Surprises everyone with how fast he gets used to being a dad

•Sends you online articles about different children's studies

•Says he doesn't get the appeal of why kids like certain types of toys but you'll find him inspecting them when he thinks no one is around

•Doesn't pass up on a 'teachable moment'

•Ur kids gonna be sassy that's just the yoongi influence

•No cute outfits here, putting your kids in sweatpants and a onesie is just so much easier

•Actually gonna freak out at how fast kids grow up like one day they just start walking and it takes him awhile to get used to that

•Once they do start walking they follow him all around the house

•Plops them down in front of a piano one day and applauds when they just smash down on the keys

•Ngl he loses sight of your child at the playground sometimes

•Will nod along to child's babbling even if he doesn't understand

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