Type of BTS shits

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Namjoon: Shit.
•When he broke something.

Jin: Shit!
•Not really observant but when probably startled.

Yoongi: I don't give a shit.
•Uhh, this is for everyday life, for everyone, for everything.

Hoseok: Oh shit
•Didn't really wanna say shit but probably influenced by Jungkook and Yoongi.

Jimin: Shit shit
•Rarely seen on air but probably in dorms especially when annoyed playing games or what.

Taehyung: Shit down, shit down
•Never really said shit intentionally but every word that has 'c' and 's' that is followed by 't' will probably 'shit' for him. (One night at a strange shitty)

Jungkook: Oh man holy shit!
•This young man probably learned this shits when they went to LA, will become the shit master if he would be influenced fully by Yoongi.

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