BTS as things I do/say

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Namjoon: *breaks my glasses every now and then* Oh for the love of God fuck my eyes... and my life

Jin: *looks at the mirror* hey, I look pretty today *tries to take a picture* *looks good* damn, it's my day

Yoongi: *swears for everything* *enjoys idgaf personality* would you please shut up? I have my priorities here. (it's a lie, i just don't wanna talk)

Hoseok: *checks out the kittens.. and cats* *picks up puth* you're my fave kitten *picks up yibo* you're my faverest kitten *picks all the cats* y'all are my faverestest

Jimin: *hits close people as affection* *secretly flutters at every compliments*

Taehyung: *puts some sugar at a specific place* *waits for an ant to come* *ant comes and then leaves for awhile to get her friends* *puts away the sugar real fast* *more ants came later on but found nothing* there's nothing here. yes, she's a liar

Jungkook: *something bad happens to my friend* *calm outside* *kinda silent but still jokes* *tho almost cry because worries intensifies*

I have nothing more to say, farewell everYonE

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