7. Never Again

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I'm not like other guys."

"You're the only girl I want."
"She is just a friend."
"I love you."
"Forever and Always."
"I'll never hurt you."

All the lies play in your head. He hurt you. He played you once again. Being so in love with someone and them not loving you the same way back, hurts. He's broken your heart before, but you forgave him. Why? That's because you love him. Is it really love though if he still continues to play you?

As you sat in your bed wondering where and why it could have possibly gone wrong, you were so confused and lost. He didn't give you a warning, you truly thought everything was going well. Your eyes were puffy, and burned because you were crying so much. A pounding headache began to form too. The only sound you could hear was your phone dinging with so many message alerts. They were probably him. You picked it up and checked. Messages from Colby, Sam, Kat, Devyn and Tara all filled your phone lockscreen. Instead of reading and replying, you shut your phone off knowing they'd probably show up at your door anyways. You got up and took a shower, finally and threw on some comfy clothes:

You went into your living room, sat on the couch and watched some Netflix then finally decided to postmates some food

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You went into your living room, sat on the couch and watched some Netflix then finally decided to postmates some food. (you choose what food.) A little bit after, you heard a knock on your door. When you looked out the peep hole, it was Sam and Katrina. A little bit of annoyance filled your whole body but you opened the door anyways. "Yes?" You said, answering the door. "Why are you ignoring us?" Katrina asked, walking in with Sam following behind her. You ran your fingers through your hair. "I'm not down to talk to anybody." Slamming the door, you walked back over to your couch. "Have you talked to Colby?" Sam asked sitting down. There was a long pause, and you shook your head. "Nope, and I don't care to. I know you guys are gonna say he's hurting and he's this and he's that but I don't care. He did this to me before and I'm sick of it. Do you guys know what it's like to feel so unwanted and so worthless?" You began to cry, and Katrina hugged you. "Never again. He doesn't get a third chance. He knew what he was doing." They both nodded. They were was another long pause and Sam broke the silence. "I still think you should talk to him. You know? Let him know what you're feeling and tell him that you no longer want to be with him." You sat and thought to yourself. Sam is right. You put your slides on and walked over to his apartment, Sam and Kat followed you knowing that you wouldn't want to go alone.

When you arrived in front of Colbys door, you hesitated to knock. So, Sam did it. On the third knock, Colby finally answered. His eyes were blood shot red, like he'd been crying, and his hair was a mess.  He hadn't slept, and it was very obvious. He looked at you with a face of guilt. When you went in, you didn't even bother saying anything yet. You sat down, and stared for a minute to think of what you wanted to say. At this point it was starting to get awkward. Colby sat down next to you and you scooted away. "Y/n, I'm-" You cut him off. "No, I didn't come here to forgive you. I actually came to let you know that I want no part in whatever this is, anymore." His face saddened, "I'm not some kind of toy, colby. Do you know how many times you've done this? It shouldn't take this many times for you to learn that being cheated on fucking sucks. 3 strikes, you're out. I'm done. WE are done. Move on and forget about me. You're a player. You do NOT care about or love me like you say you do." You got up from the couch and started walking over to the door. "You really just thought that you could hurt me like this AGAIN and think that everything would be okay and I would give you the benefit of the doubt? Haha, only you would. Don't call me, don't text me, just forget about me like you said. You'll never change. It's done and over with. Goodbye, Colby." With that, you were gone. Sam stayed with Colby and katrina went with you. It felt good to leave him there hurting. He deserved it after the way he hurt you.

6 Months Later

With Katrina being one of your best friends, you were so excited to go show her love at her performance. Colby and you haven't talked to each other since you blew up on him, but you did find someone new, his name is Eli. He was an old friend back in high school. Of course you checked with Katrina to make sure it was okay, and she said yes so you invited him to the performance. He was tall, sweet and so caring. You weren't official yet but you could tell how he felt about you. Sam saved you both a seat next to him and of course, Colby brought the girl he cheated on you with but you were no longer affected by him. You introduced Eli to everyone, and they seemed to like him. Except Colby, he eyed you guys the whole night.

After the performance, you took Eli to meet Katrina, Devyn, Cassie, Tara, and Xepher. They all seemed to like each other as well. You were so much happier with him. He knew everything about your heartbreak with Colby and everything he did to you. All Eli did was comfort you and make sure you were loved. He went out of his way to mend your broken heart and was absolutely everything you were missing. He noticed how Colby was acting and offered to take you away and go get food. You nodded and he took you to your favorite restaurant. Hand in hand, you ended the night with a smile on your face and happy heart. Before taking you home, Eli asked you to be his girlfriend. Soon, you both would be going on dates with Sam, Kat, Xepher, Griffin, Cassie, Reggie, Tara, and Jake. Finally, you were happy.

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