Chapter seven: Kaithlyn

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"Naturally, one does not normally discuss plans to commit murder with the intended victim."
― Robert J. Sawyer, Flashforward
Kaithlyn listened interested to the guys. It was a marvel that all of them survived the night. Maybe the killer didn't want to kill him now, but he obviously made sure that he would kill them afterwards. Not like that was a good option.
They were eating breakfast. The canteen lady's had made it with the stuff they had left. It was enough for a few days, Kaithlyn had guessed. A few days and a lot of pounds. Then they would probably get some supplies from outside.
Kaithlyn took her phone from her bag and unlocked it. She opened Instagram and watched some pictures. Then she went to Twitter.
Still at school, she tweeted. Then a message came up, and the phones of her friends also ringed.
Good morning, the text said. I'm on Twitter and Instagram now. I'll follow you soon, if I'm not doing it now. The last part of the sentence was probably to let them know that they're being watched all the time.
'What the hell,' Kaithlyn said and she putted her phone down. 'A killer on instagram. What is he going to post. Pictures of dead people. That's gross.'
'All of this is gross,' Caleb, who sat next to her, said.
Kaithlyn took her sandwich from her plastic plate and took a bite. 'How do they make those so nice?'
'How about a lot of fat,' Joshua offered. He had the laptop standing in front of him and he was playing some Sims. It was obviously disturbing, how he played with their own characters. And everything fitted. Their family, friends, their life wish.
'That's true,' Ellie said, who also ate a sandwich. 'But still, I would give my computer to eat this my whole life.'
'Sandwiches all day?' Kaithlyn said, and she pretended to throw up. 'Eventually it will get really boring.'
'If you needed to choose, what would you eat for the rest of your life?' Ellie asked.
'Sushi,' Kaithlyn said. 'No doubt.'
'Savory pie,' Caleb offered and he stared dreamy. 'It's so damn yummy.'
'I think I could eat a lot of pizza,' Joshua said, not looking up from the screen. 'Hawaii, of course.'
'Ieuw,' Kaithlyn said.
'Hm, it's a hard one, El,' Grayson said. 'Maybe chips or something.'
'Chips, your whole life?' Ellie asked. 'I think I'd eventually die from it. Or get a depression, or something.' She laughed.
Kaithlyn went on her phone for a little while. She texted her parents, who obviously would be worried.
Survived the night, no worries, the text said. She knew that her parents wanted her to be specific, but she had no time for that, because there was a noise that told her she got something on Twitter.
This time, it was a new follower. She couldn't see his profile, because it was locked and there wasn't a photo either. The name told her enough though. Killingspree, wasn't really a obvious name to choose.
She followed the guy or girl, hoping he or she would let her. Then she looked up to her friends.
'What are we doing today?' she asked.
'I don't know,' Grayson said. 'Maybe chilling or something. Not much going on.'
'I wouldn't say that in public,' Caleb said. 'Maybe he - or she, whatever - can hear you. I mean, they wouldn't mind killing another student, would they?'
'I'm hoping they would.' Kaithlyn sighted and bit on her nails.
'Don't get your hopes on, baby.' Ellie scrolled through her contacts. 'I'm just texting my mum,' she said, after watching the looks of the others.
'Oh don't mind,' Caleb said.
'I just hoped we had to do something,' Ellie said. 'Maybe finding out another mystery. It's not like we can't do anything, can we?'
'Of course we can, but it wouldn't solve anything,' Grayson said. 'We still don't know anything about the girl, only her full name. That doesn't give us many suspicions.'
'Well, we can't wait either,' Ellie said. 'Let's go to the library, maybe we can find some online stuff.'
'Wait,' Caleb said. 'I just remembered. We were going to call their parents.' He took a paper from his pocket. 'We found their phone numbers.'
'Let's go to a quieter place then,' Grayson said. He took his bag from the floor and stood up.
The others followed his instructions. They got to the hall, which was almost empty.
'Screw yourself,' Kaithlyn said, to a couple of young juniors. 'And now, go away.'
'Did you have to be so horrid?' Caleb asked when the juniors got away.
'Yeah, I had to,' Kaithlyn said dismal.
'Shht,' Ellie putted her finger on her lips. Then she pointed to Grayson's phone, which was calling on speaker.
'Hello?' a man voice said.
'Hello, my name is Grayson, I was wondering, is your daughter home?'
'Which one?' the man asked.
'Anna,' Grayson said.
'Oh, she can't talk right now,' the guy said, 'she's one of the few people who's stuck at that school.'
'Oh, I know. It was on the news yesterday, wasn't it?'
'Yeah, well, can I leave a message to her?'
'No, I really needed to talk to her. Well, success then.'
'Thanks, goodbye.'
Then Grayson called the next number. A rushing fear went through Kaithlyn's body, as she listened to the phone.
'Hi,' a little voice said. 'Sam here.'
'Hi, little boy,' Grayson said. 'My name is Grayson. Can I talk to Anna, please?'
'No you can't,' the boy said.
'And why not?' Grayson said.
'She's at school,' the boy said. 'My parents told me she was stuck there, but they didn't want to say why or how, so I'm sorry. Can I help you with something else?'
'No, thanks,' Grayson said. 'Bye.'
Last number. Kaithlyn's hands became cold, like she was dead and she jumped up and down.
'Come on,' Caleb said.
Grayson called the number. 'Hello, my name is Grayson, can I talk to Anna please?'
The woman at the other line of the phone said, with a trembeling voice: 'No, I'm sorry.' Then she hang up.
'Well, now we're sure who is the dead Anna.' Kaithlyn stopped jumping and her blood warmed up her body really quick.
'Anna Walker,' Caleb said. 'Let's find more about you, my girl.'
It was strange to look at dead people's Facebook pages, but still Kaithlyn got through. Joshua was sitting next to her, on the stupid computer, hacking into the school's program. Kaithlyn was trying to find stuff on the internet, on one of the school's computers. On her left was Caleb, and next to him was Ellie. Joshua sat next to Grayson. All of them were looking for information. There was not much on the internet. A Youtube profile, a Facebook page and Twitter. But the most helpful one was still her Tumblr page.
Anna was a popular blogger. She told her readers about stuff in her own life. It was more like a diary. Kaithlyn was reading it and she noted down important stuff in her French notebook.
'Here it says that she's suspended for a couple days,' Joshua said, pointing his finger at his screen.
'Does it say why?' Caleb asked.
'Not really,' Joshua said and he read out loud: 'Suspended 12-3-12 to 19-3-12 on an account of a fight with a teacher.'
'So she got in a fight with a teacher,' Kaithlyn said, 'more of us do.'
'I think it was physical,' Joshua said. 'Otherwise the punishment wouldn't be so hard.'
'A couple days of detention, I think,' Kaithlyn, who got in trouble a lot, said.
'You would know,' Caleb said. 'Has anyone heard from our dear killer since that message?'
'Found him on twitter,' Kaithlyn said, 'but I'm not allowed to see his profile yet.'
'That's stupid,' Joshua said.
'All of this is, smarty,' Kaithlyn said.
'Maybe he allowed you already,' Caleb offered.
'I'll look.' Kaithlyn opened her twitter. She looked at her profile and saw surprised that she was allowed. 'Look, you guys.' She opened his twitter account and read his tweets.
Found me, now catch me, the last tweet told them.
Caleb sighted angry. 'Is this ever going to stop.'
'I don't know,' Kaithlyn said.
'Guys,' Ellie said sinister. 'Come here.'
'What is it?' Kaithlyn asked.
Ellie's breath quickened. 'I opened my mail and...' she tried not to cry.
'What is it?' Caleb asked. He took her arm.
'It's a list,' she said and she opened the document. 'We thought we were going to survive this, but we aren't.'
'What are you talking about,' Grayson said a little angry. 'What did he sent you?'
'I told you, a list.' Ellie turned the screen so they could see it themselves.
This is what the document told them:
To die:
Grayson (A3B)
Ellie (F2D)
Kaithlyn (A4A)
Caleb (R1D)
Joshua (R1D)
And then there were a lot of other names.
Their phone's ringed and with hesitation they took it from their pockets and bags.

'You can play my game,' Kaithlyn read out loud. 'Finish and die.'

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