Chapter 1

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Castiel's POV

"Go Dean!" I cheered with a huge smile on my face.

I was happy to sneak out of the house to be here. Since I've been with Dean, I haven't missed one of his football games yet. Today's game is the biggest. It was our rival school. Lawrence Free State High School Eagles  vs Lawrence High School Bulldogs. (I looked up the schools they exist and they have played against each other '-' but the mascots are made up)

I know, very similar names, but I think that's why we are rivals. 

It was cold out, I was glad that Dean gave me his Letterman jacket. It always kept me warm, also Jo and Charlie were snuggled up next to me for warmth. I smiled at the sight of them. Shivering, but tried to keep it cool. The cheerleaders were cheering on the team, about half with were trying to get the attentions of the players. I rolled my eyes and watched the game.

Dean was a wide receiver, I didn't know much about football, but I always came for support. There was 3 minutes and 12 seconds left on the clock. I was focusing on Dean, of course, didn't realize the ball was passed already till I saw him running with such speed. I looked at were the ball was at, in the air flying towards Dean. He caught it smoothly and ran. The crowd continued to cheer and as did I, startling Jo and  Charlie. 

I laughed and they both slapped my arms, then continued to watch the game.

Ball in his hand, running full speed towards the touch down line. People cheered more and more, excitement filled the air. 

Just a few feet away from touchdown, everyone was just about ready to jump out of their pants for our winning score till the most tragic thing happened.

Two football players from the opposing team ran for him, my eyes shot open. One smashed into his upper body, the other went for his legs. Dean was in the air then smashed hard on the ground. The players got up and high-fived. Everyone booed them, it slowly died when they realized, Dean didn't get up or move. 

A ref blew the whistle, Coach Singer ran for Dean, teammates stood worried and angry. 

"Call an ambulance!" That's all I heard left that came from Coach Singers mouth.

It felt like the whole world stopped, came crashing down. I saw Dean, laying on his back on the floor. People began to surround him, Coach Singer crouched by his side. Benny, Dean's best friend, followed by a few more players, ran to the other side of the field. They began to attack the players. A fought broke out and police guards ran to the players. The sirens to the ambulance closer. When they got there, paramedics ran to Dean with a trolley, placed him on it and took him away.

Everyone was escorted out of the field and stadium. I couldn't move, Jo and Charlie tried to get out of their. Told me not to watch. Tears streamed down my face. The ambulance was leaving, Coach Singer in there with him. I couldn't move.

Hello there, Dean.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat