1st Day of Stanford

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1) Story: How would one king meet another king ? The king would come, in confidence and grace. Same like you are meeting your guru, meet like a king not like a slave.

2) Your mind becomes a lover of things. Example: someone sang a song, so you would love the person who sang it saying what a beautiful voice. But we should understand the conscious/words behind the song. Same, how you become a lover of god, don't become a lover but understand the conscious.

3) If you don't see god in everyone, then become blind.

4) When you don't know things, enjoy that moment. When something is meant for you, you will get it. Live free and life is beautiful.

5) Don't keep your mind in someone else.

6) Spot the ego in you, we should have softness in our actions. Example: a policemen gave it's Card to a lady saying if something happens to you, you can get away saying my name to the other cop. Same way, we have god in our heart so nothing will happen to us.

7) God is in our heart.

8) Knowledge is like sun, you can't hide it. Understand Guru's conscious.

9) Who understands doctor's hand writing ? Chemist. Just like that, we need to understand Guru's language.

10) The person who makes his/her image always blames on something or the other. Because they are protecting themselves as they are weak. Our seeds are still weak, our conscious will make it stronger.

11) We need to work very very hard, and do a lot of hard-work in order to achieve the peace and love in our lives.

12) Our desires are like worms, coming out and we need to destroy them.

13) Desires will give you temporary happiness but won't give you permanent happiness.

14) No one tells me, just came to meet you. Everyone has some problem or the other.

15) Live life a blind person, then you will understand your life. Know yourself first.

16) Don't see the good/bad, if you good in something automatically the bad will appear. Don't think upper/lower, if you think either way then you feeding the ego. Be normal/neutral, everything you can face in life.

17) If you want to see god in everyone, see your heart first and then look at others.

18) Story: If you change your spectacles then you will see a different view. Cow wears a green spectacle, so she eats the dry grass, seeing it green.

19) My eyes have the dirt hence we would keep on facing problems.

20) You have desires because, you are not perfect. You lack something in life, missing confidence. Wherever you sit, sit with joy.

21) You are busy counting money in life, but the creator is counting your remaining life from heaven. Life is precious.

22) Always say positive things. Think like a proton. God always says, whatever you say, you shall receive.

23) The more you are scared in life, the situation/other person will scare you more.

24) If you see bad qualities in others/ think about them all the time. Automatically you will start getting those qualities over a period of time.

25) Mind your own business.

26) The person who doesn't have any desires will keep its senses in control.

27) You first need to decide, then your sense will be in control.

28) Be in meditation 24 hour, as your senses in control.

29) Observe your body language.

30) Whatever happens don't loose your "peace" and "energy".

31) Sanyaas: whatever your thoughts are running in your mind. You gotta stop them. Keep on cutting them in your mind.
Example: like a movie film, it takes couple of years to make but they keep on cutting it in order to fit in for the audience.
Destroy your mind( unwanted thoughts) means sanyaas.

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