3rd Day at Stanford

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1) The actions we take in life, as per them we are happy/sad. All depends on our actions.

2) People who are near at distance are far away and people who are further in distance are close by in our heart.

3) You are like Arjun, you gotta control yourself. Control your mind and let it wonder off to places.

4) Love is limitless and there is no destination to it.

5) People today, they live for 100 years. Mainly because of there thoughts, good thoughts are there so don't worry.

6) Everyone is happy/sad due to our thoughts.

7) See everything, with a goodness and light in all beings.

8) I am a soul, the king who is ruling the nature (body). You are the ruler of your body. Soul controls the body.

9) The person who is right cannot do wrong things.

10) People who have positive thoughts, good karmas, good things will happen to them.

11) Ignorant person and a knowledgeable person both, have to cure there physical bodies.
The ignorant person, has negativity in it. The knowledgeable person has only positivity.

12) When you go to the doctors, do you say you don't have any pain ? No right ! Same way with our body, we need to know what is happening. What are we doing, how are we living life.

13) The mind will trouble you, but train your mind to say, Sorry Wrong Number.
Also, say you don't know how disturbance tastes like, automatically it will go away.

14) Your mind will say, be negative-hate the other person. But you love, by loving you are creating an energy force which is positive. You are automatically get peace.

15) The deeper the sleep, the healthier would be the body.

16) Peace, your nature should be loving. Just follow the Guru with right conscious.

17) You are bombarded with thoughts for years and years. Just work on your mind, control it don't it run loose.
Example: when a kid runs and leaves the father's hand. Same way don't run behind the mind. It will make you chase more. Be calm.

18) Your desires won't let you be in peace when you do things excessively.

19) Knowledge is for peace.

20) Don't ask questions like, how to let go off my ego ? Ask, what's happening, how I am thinking so much crap. What do I think of myself. Make yourself grounded.

21) The worldly desires eats everything up. If you don't have love, you will drown in it. Example: a car worth millions of dollars, it doesn't have fuel in it. How will it run ?

22) Your thoughts are right, so don't worry.

23) Go with the time, don't have fixed concepts. Be flexible. Have the right conscious of benefit for all.

24) Be happy in other folks happiness.

25) Don't leave anything, everything is required at the right time, keep on adapting.

26) Your respect is based on your family members and family members respect is based on you. Interconnected.

27) Sacrifice, when there is no solution. This solution always works.

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