4th Day at Stanford

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1) Guru ka gyaan mein raho. (Tript aur moan mein raho)

2) Time chalte rahega, Bina Tumare. Nature chalta hi rahega. Just stop the Bak Bak in your body. You keep quiet.

3) Be natural and normal, when we have ego, desire, attachment, karma we get stuck.

4) Everyone is doing there own karmas and they work accordingly.

5) We misuse energy, when we speak wrong. First when you came, you were like an animal now with Guru's grace you now listen/love. Be like Guru.

6) Once you have love in you, everything will work in your favor. Example: there are two people ordering, but one person's order is heard and the other person's order is rejected.

7) Guru keeps on taking our exam.

8) Your actions shouldn't have any hidden agendas and with pure knowledge of the world. Then you will make your life from this world.

9) Everywhere today is the problem of the mind.

10) The material things are not bad but the greed of having them is bad.

11) Greed: ask a rich person what have you done in life ? Ans: I have so much wealth and now I am worried who will handle it.

12) When we see someone less fortunate, we have ego in our eyes. But also see that the less fortunate is happier in life.

13) Where there is greed, problems will occur.

14) If we are in soul, then there are no issues. You will be happy everywhere in life. You will appreciate everything in life.

15) Our own nature drowns us and betrays us.

16) With our own nature we rise and we fall in life.

17) A person who is not content in life, then god doesn't appreciate such men.

18) If your thoughts don't make you sad, then even God cannot make you sad in life.

19) Love and respect you should have for everyone.

20) Where we live in a house, how do we live with each other ? Do we have the love and respect for each other ?

21) We attach ourselves to someone and we get blocked.

22) In everything we get happy, that's the key of happy life.

23) You are a soul and others are souls.

Prabhu Ji

1) Satsang is an exam, when we hear the vani. How you concentrate in your studies to pass, same up here you need to have full concentration.

2) When your eyes are closed and quiet, you resemble to a dead fly or a lizard on the wall. Even they are in meditative phase.

3) Knowledge: alertness, don't become sad/happy. Whatever we do since morning is all knowledge.

4) Every action is your fruit, why should we interfere ? That's alertness.

5) Don't do bad karmas, that you fall behind.

6) Even handicap people (blind/deaf) are living in sync with nature - leading a life.

7) 98% Spiritual life
2% Body: your body will Rott if you don't make it work. Don't be lazy.

Even a beggar works all day, businessman also works all day. The life is good for a person whose body is perfectly working.

8) Example: when you did a good deed, even then you feel sad that you weren't appreciated enough for it. Then that means you are attached you did that deed for appreciation. Do everything without any hidden agenda.

9) We have said words which are putting us in Jail.

10) Be happy, make your soul happy. (98%)
Maya is for the body (2%)

11) Whatever I receive in life, I am happy.

12) To accept is like a godly thing. Whatever is happening is happening due to my choices. Accept with a happy heart. Some people accept things when they are scared. That's wrong. If you accept, end of fights.

13) There is a lot of attraction in Material life, even learned men have fallen into this trap.

14) Our habits, once you leave them you see for yourself how you spend your time ? Knowledge should come in your mind and not questions.
Give comfort to others, we only seek comfort from others and wait for it.

15) Story: a follower asks his guru, will you be with me forever in life ? Guru replies why not, I will be there with you. But there is only one condition, never doubt me that I am not by your side.

16) Your heart should be strong, but for darkness it doesn't take much time to come. Example: When you light a lamp, it lit the matchsticks first and then the diya.

17) What are our words like ? Why do you fight ? What is it in you ? Remove your ego.

18) We are ready to leave but we are the ones who don't leave it. Why because of our attachment.

19) You don't spoil your energy, you walk on Trüth.

20) Not now, then when. There is no guarantee in life.

21) Our guru shows us the straight path, are we crazy not to follow it ?

22) Your job is to keep on walking.

23) The person you are waiting for, is not meant for you.

24) If someone dies. We all are God's children and are ready to go to heaven. To feel sad/happy is wrong.

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