5th Day at Stanford

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1) In our comfort zone there is misery. Example: there is pure water but we still prefer drinking the same old dirty water as we are so used to it.

2) Don't get tensed thinking about your past.

3) If you have everything and eating all day. Your mind will start eating you up as well.

4) If you are useful outside then you will be peaceful inside.

5) Our physical body is not meant to be quiet, even after the retirement the man is super busy. Body should be used for service in others.

6) The energy is of the supreme, we are just instruments.

7) Your mind keeps you very heavy, how will you lighten it up ?

8) Our body is linked to karma, but our peace should not be disturbed.

9) Work for the sake of work, positive/negative take both sides and move forward with knowledge. If you receive something or not, you keep on doing your work.

10) Waiting is like a disease, it will make you sick.

11) For fruits to ripe, it takes time. Example: mangoes, if you eat the pre ripped ones in February/March then they are no fun as they have chemicals to them. But if you wait till April/May, you will get ripped ones.

12) If you fix your mind, everything else will be fixed.

13) Patience, accept it, to wait it out is the only solution.

14) Whatever thing in our life is over excess, we get caught up in it. Anything excess is poison.

15) First understand your questions and your thoughts. Ask it with clarity.

16) What's the biggest happiness in life ? Peace of mind.

17) To live in present is a gift, hence it is called present. We live in dizziness.

18) Have faith in god, he will take care. Dissolve your ego.

19) If we don't take actions on the words, then we are bound to get depression. Example: psychiatrist says a lot people from spiritual background come to me. There is no greater psychiatrist than me.

20) Chew your food properly, 90% of time we are not paying attention.

21) Eat light food, eat it for tasting.

22) Live in the present, don't worry.
        You be simple.

23) Start living a life of desire free and action oriented life. Everything will be okay.

24) Everything is a dream, you are here to pass time.

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