13th day at Stanford

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1) You are always under protection with the Guru.

2) God meets you with the love and not with your brain.

3) What's happiness ? It's love, contentment and simplicity by heart.

4) Be clean not clever.

5) Understand the depth of words: guru says the sea water is sweet even the follower says it's sweet. But that same water, when it rains becomes sweet.

6) Wisdom meaning simplicity way of thinking.

7) What's inside should be outside as well.

8) Trüth generates love for everyone.

9) Love automatically happens, you don't have to force it.

10) Don't count anything when you love someone. Do you look at the time ?

11) Thank God for promoting me everyday with love for all.

12) What's the Trüth, what's inside should be outside as well. Don't be a hypocrite.

13) Get the honesty in you, the person judges you with honesty. Get honesty in life.

14) How can you solve/implement ?
- be quiet (if you speak, there might be an issue)
- Time will teach you (many people don't know where they are going wrong)

15) What's right you cannot deny it.

16) If you are honest, then there are no prove given to it.

17) Believe it or not, but you are God.

18) The more you step into the world of knowledge the more you will get bigger for the better.

19) When you meet the sea, then automatically you will leave the river/lake.

20) Everyone's purpose is divine, but we mind the divisions in our own minds.

21) Guru's words brings us into the higher frequency.

22) Always understand the conscious of the person and not the words.

23) Our service should have the knowledge in it to perform. Let the soul connect.

24) Every action should be based on knowledge.

25) Our every talk should have the alertness, love and purpose behind it. (Purpose in life is love and kindness)

26) Prayers can be done anytime, anywhere but when you have the "Samya gyaan" (in which there is 'sujagi' 'shamta' 'arth' behind it)

27) People have different view points, it's like everyone were viewing different parts of the elephants. Some saw the head, some saw the legs.
- But when you look it as a whole, it changes. You see the whole picture of the elephant.
- The bigger picture, that's when the view is correct.
- Similarly when you dissect this knowledge you will get confused. But when you have love in you are complete.
- God is love, love is God.

28) If you use knowledge only for your purpose then it's useless. Use it for others.

29) If you have a wavering mind then the knowledge in you is not strong yet. Make it strong.

30) Be kind on yourself. Make your mind free. God is taking care of you.

31) God is running the show. You relax and keep working towards the right path. God is great. Everything is happening for a reason don't worry.

32) When you don't have the knowledge, you are disturbed all the time.

33) Dissolve your ego, everything is a story and we are playing the parts. Play the best possible parts in your life.

34) You are god so act like one, you have the greatness in you. See what qualities you have, and take care of your mind. It's the biggest asset of our life.

35) Whatever happens for a reason and with blessings. You always be happy and stay on the right path.

36) Ask a question, concentrate on the answer and then you will arise kindness in you.

37) After Satsang, your head will be super heavy because you have so much knowledge in you but it is "unused".
- When you use the knowledge you will become light. It's like a heavenly spa.

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