9th Day at Stanford

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1) Relax your brain.

2) Our mind gets sad thinking about past/future all the time. You should be at peace all the time.

3) With Maya(illusion) we do a lot of bad karmas in the process.

4) Everyday you are working behind money, give time to God. Be with God, search and keep looking.

5) If you come to Satsang and don't take a degree what's the use ? You should strive to become better everyday.

6) During the time of illness, the alert will think what bad karmas I have done in order to receive such illness.

7) In whatever things you are strong willed, you will get that in life.

8) We will say no to Maya and yes to God.

9) Be like Arjun, who seeks God all the time and want to be like God.

10) Unknowingly you are doing bad karmas.

11) Knowledgable person makes him/her God by the actions.

12) Everyone is a failure in front of God.

13) Realize your karmas, whatever you have done, fix them in this lifetime.

14) Guru, if you do wrong karmas, you will be punished irrespective who you are.

15) The real treasure in life is knowledge, if you have the correct knowledge even in your bad times you will be at peace. It will remain with you till the end.


1) Your mind is an imagination.

2) Where you have faith/confidence you can't go wrong.

3) Your faith is such a thing that even nature will support you (it will give you will power and wisdom)

4) Problem is with the nature and not with the person. Example: everything is upside down. But still humans are surging in this world.

5) With faith your brain/wisdom will work in the right direction.

6) Only Guru can make a donkey into a horse.

7) If your mind is the right space, then be flexible and not rigid.

8) The Knowledge is a bullet train, what you were yesterday has completely changed you into a different person today.

9) The more you are nice to all your family members, you will get nothing in life. Because they will never be satisfied.

10) Our mind is like a Police man. Seeing wrong in things.

11) Don't worry about what will others say. It's of no use.

12) Our faults today will become qualities of tomorrow only with the Guru's blessings.

13) Guru, cleans up our karmas.

14) With time, we need to change. That is the only Gyaan.

15) Your mind will make you run because all you are thinking is about you and yourself. Get out of it and it will come to peace.

16) The effort is real, only that will stay with you life long.

17) Have faith in god, and give your worries to him. You relax.

18) There is no future tomorrow. It's only today.

19) Alexander the Great's death taught three things in life:
a) his hands were out while he was dead (showing that he is taking nothing with him)
b) Doctors carrying him on their shoulders(showing that even the best doctors are of no use)
c) all his money was thrown in the crowd (showing the money he had amassed was of no use)

20) Whatever thoughts come in your mind, don't get stuck in them.

21) Thoughts will come and go. It's normal.

22) To keep your body fit, everything is necessary. 

23) Nishkaam: your thought process and your wish.

24) Keep doing and forget about it.

25) God has placed everyone at the right spot, we can't blame or feel sorry for anyone in this world because they are running due to their karmas.

26) Once you fall down then only you can pick yourself up and run.

Rani Didi

1) Never show any favors to others.

2) In your hands there is nothing.

3) From animal to human you have become now.

4) Analyze yourself and catch your ego wherever you can.

5) You don't have the authority over your breaths then what's in your hands ?

6) Go in the depth of your ego to eradicate it, the working woman says she is the bread winner of the family. But the actual work is being done by the machine. If the machine stops working will we get the money ? Same way, god is running the show so we can't take any credit in life.

7) We need strong and top class people in Satsang.

8) You be quiet, then only god will do justice. God will run your life.

9) God will do justice with you.

10) God is testing us all the time in order to promote us to the next level.

11) Lots of people spoil things themselves, and they go back 4 steps.

12) Don't have  ego, god is protecting us.

13) If you have full knowledge then you will have a new life.

14) How will you change ? You need to follow the steps of knowledge. (Understand it and implement it)

15) At night you won't be able to sleep because you are not filled with gyaan. 

16) Make yourself egoless all the time.

17) To change the human is impossible we need to change in life.

18) People should smell your fragrance, of a nice person. Your actions will speak.

19) Don't Be artificial anywhere.

20) Go in detail, thank you god for real reason in life.
b) If you are smart, you will move in.
c) Whatever god does is the best, dance and celebrate in life.
d) Thank you God.

21) Take everything into positive in life, make your negatives into positive.


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