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THE MORNING LIGHT SHONE THROUGH THE WINDOW, a focused [name] was lost in her reading. The essentials of navigation—provided the title of the book she was currently studying. Her brunette locks were combed into a fine braid, which hung loosely on her shoulder, and her [e/c] orbs shifted quickly from left to right, devouring the pages of the book in her hands.

She belonged to the Bradley clan, a well-known noble family who was famous for having influence over the East Blue's most important island: Shelly Shift. As any other noble family, they were utterly wealthy and powerful, which is why most of the royals in the Blues had been interested in taking their eldest child's—[name]—hand in marriage.

However, [name] was strongly against marriage, and had managed to convince her parents—and mostly, her father—to turn down every proposal. Love was not part of her current interests; the brunette girl wanted more than nothing to travel around the world and learn about it, but the drawbacks of being a noble were that, unless she was escorted by Marines, she would not be allowed to do so. Besides, Marines just couldn't go along with a spoiled brat's whim. So, either way, she wouldn't be able to do so.

For as long as she could remember, she had wanted to live her own adventure—forget her status as a royal and just leave. Since she was just a little kid, she would spend ages reading the adventures of Mont Blanc Noland—also known as the Liar Noland, a very famous man from the North Blue who would travel around the world and tell the most incredible stories ever—and daydreaming about how she would like to be like him. Notwithstanding, her horrified parents would take the book away from her and reprimand her, telling her how her attitude was not proper for a noble girl like her, that she couldn't just go outside with the commoners because she was special, and the rest were just not.

But that didn't stop the little girl from dreaming—in contrast, she only wanted it more and more. Besides, she would think, the people who were outside were people like her, like the people who worked in her manor, like everyone else. What exactly made her different from them? They had blue blood, perhaps? She didn't know, and she didn't believe so. So, in response, she would take the book, climb a tree, sit up on a branch and read, more than ever. She was certain that she would go to the outside world one day and her dream would be fulfilled.

And now, at her early 20s, she wouldn't even get out of the room due to this habit of hers of reading and studying—she was very curious about the world that surrounded her. That is why the brunette girl had decided to study as much as she could to go outside one day and sail around the world, know its history, know different cultures, be free, just like a bird that wants to get out of its cage.

For a few months, she had been planning to escape the manor in which she lived, in order to give the first step towards freedom. She was already fed up with this life, and she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

She was snapped out of her focus when she heard the door being knocked.

"Just a moment, please!" She spoke in a raised voice, trying to sound normal—and she was good at it.

Quickly as she could, she shoved everything inside one of her desk's drawers, locking it up afterwards and opening a book on etiquette and manners at a random page. If her books and notes were ever to be found, her plans on ever escaping the manor, her plans on giving up her life as a noble would be ruined, and she'd probably get locked up forever.

"You may enter now." She spoke up once more and the door was shortly opened, revealing one of her maids, Tarte—a rather short woman, who was in her late fifties. Her hair was silver grey and it combed in a tight bun; wrinkles adorned her forehead and surrounded her eyes, accentuating whenever she smiled or narrowed her eyes. She was the woman that raised [name] more than her parents did, and the one who she turned to whenever she was upset or sad.

"Miss [name]-sama, I'm sorry to interrupt your reading," The elder woman apologised. Her voice was a bit low-pitched and raspy, but still soft. "Your father, Lothrian-sama, is expecting you downstairs."

Closing the book, the brunette stood up, sending the elder woman a nod.

"Tarte-san, I have already told you, just call me [name], please." The [E/C] girl sant said woman a whole-hearted smile.

"That would be disrespectful from me, towards a Noble like you." She retorted.

"Not at all, Tarte-san." [name] chuckled, shaking her head in negation. "You even changed my diapers, so it is me who owes respect to you." The girl let out a giggle, while Tarte smiled at her, and went to her boudoir.

"I will be there in a moment, all right?"

"Yes..." Tarte walked behind her, took one of the brushes and brushed her hair, as she would usually do every once in a while. "[name], your father has requested that you dress appropriately for the occasion, since there is going to be a guest tonight."

The noble girl gave her a questioning look through the mirror in front of her, while doing her makeup, "And who might that be?"

Tarte looked down and stopped brushing her hair and looked down. She did not like giving the brunette bad news.

"I'm afraid it is... Kurono Kishi-sama."

Kishi Kurono, the only marriage proposal she couldn't turn down. The name that [Name] didn't want to hear ever again in her life. The man who was bore the power to shatter her dreams. The man who was the devil himself, and [name] knew it more than anyone. 

Her eyes were widened in horror as she clutched her powder puff in rage. At the mere sound of his name, the brunette felt like she was going to drown in tears, and wished there was something she could do to run away right now, so that she didn't have to look at his damned face.

FREEDOM || Eustass Kid. [SLOW UPDATES]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon