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THE SHIP DOCKED ON KYOZO ISLAND, A NEIGHBOUR ISLAND TO Y/N'S HOMETOWN. It was so hot outside that Y/N regretted wearing such a heavy, long dress, but right now it was the only piece of clothing she owned. The droplets of sweat travelled from her sunkissed forehead to her neck, and from her neck to her chest. [Name] wasn't one to sweat so easily but, along with the high humidity in the air, it was just impossible not to sweat.

The brunette grabbed a fan and started waving it in order to cool down, but it was useless, the air was so heavy and hot, that the fan was not of any use at all. Just the feeling of the extreme heat made her feel uncomfortable. She just couldn't stand feeling hot and sticky.

When everything seemed so hopeless, she remembered the money she took along with her when she escaped her former home. That was when her face lit up, and excitedly decided to go to her quarters, in order to grab some money to buy new pieces of clothing. 

She tried to open the drawer of the old nightstand beside her bed, but it was stuck. She let out a hiss in annoyance and pulled harder and, eventually, the drawer suddenly opened, making the young girl fall backwards, landing on her butt. 

She reached for the plump sack of money and smiled to herself. Now she was going to get the choose what to wear, how and when. And the best part was that she was going to buy it all by herself. No one was going to tell her ever again what to wear, or make her wear uncomfortable, heavy, unfashionable things she didn't like.

Smiling to herself, she gazed at the money before her.

Alright, let's do this!


[NAME] WALKED TO THE DECK, MAKING HER WAY TOWARDS THE PLACE WHERE THE REDHEAD STOOD. His fiery, untamed red locks stood bright in the sunlight, and his pale skin had a faint tint of sweat glistening on it. He wasn't wearing his furry bordeaux coat as usual, due to the strongly hot, humid weather. His muscular torso was exposed instead, and the brunette couldn't help but stare at it, making the heat creep up to her already-red cheeks.

Kid was currently talking to Killer about something unknown to the brunette. She made her way towards the two males, Kid's bare back facing her. 

"Uhm... Mr. Captain?" She reached to tap his shoulder. 

He turned around suddenly, shooting her a glare.


[Name] jolted and held a hand to her chest.

How scary!

His features softened, giving [Name] a bored look.

"Tch, it's just the princess."

[Name] furrowed her eyebrows; she didn't know whether that was a good or a bad thing. Clearing her throat, she asked.  "I was wondering if you would allow me to get some new clothes, since the heat is too much for me to bear in this dress." 

She pointed to the large, uncomfortable piece of clothing she was wearing. She was quite sweaty, and the dress being too heavy didn't help at all. 

All kind of sinful, lustful thoughts popped in his mind at her comment. He eyed her up and down stopping, as usual, at her neckline, eventually going back to meet her [e/c] orbs; his bored scowl never disappearing from his features. 

"Do whatever the hell ya want." He said, turning around. His back was facing her once again. "But Killer's going with ya. Don't try anything or else-"

"I would never." She moved to face him. The brunette then took his big, calloused hand in hers, earning a surprised look from the redhead, and grinned. 

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