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WHEN THE KID PIRATES APPEARED IN HER HOMETOWN, she managed to sneak into their ship. She hid in some kind of small room, for a few hours, until a pair of sailors realised of her presence. They took her by force to the deck and called their captain:

"Captain! We found this girl hiding in our supply room" One of them said. Y/N tried to free herself but it was no use. "What are you gonna do with her?"

A huge, well-built, redhead man scanned the petite figure in front of him. Her pretty E/C eyes were glaring at him, and her silky brunette locks were dancing along with the salty breeze. She was wearing a long sleeved light blue dress, with white lace trim around her exposing neckline and around the bottom of the sleeves, it was boning at the front stomach area.

His amber eyes scanned her body, from the bottom to the top, stopping to scan her chest's clevage, which rose and fell as she breathed, making a smirk creep to his painted lips. Then, his eyes met hers. 

Y/N looked at the man in front of her. He, known as Eustass 'Captain' Kid, had short, messy and spiky blood red hair, pale skin and he was dressed in black and yellow lizard-printed pants with red fringes with an electric blue sash wrapped around his hips, a furry black and bordeaux coat over his bare, well built torso and a pair of studded, square shaped googles over his forehead. 

Said male raised a hand and made a pair of metal hand cuffs fly towards him. Y/N could notice he was a Devil Fruit user.

"Cuff her up" His voice was deep. Then he sent them towards the man who were holding the H/C woman, "Take her to the board and make her walk on it. Then, we'll throw her to the seakings."

Y/N gasped and squirmed under the men's grip. "No, no! Wait, Mr. Captain!" Her sweet voice spoke in distress, and Kid couldn't help but like the way she called him, "I won't try anything against you or your men! In fact, I could be useful for you..."

Kid raised a non-existent brow, giving the girl a questioning look. He raised his palm, gesturing the men to stop and then spoke, "Oh? And how can you be useful for me, princess?"

The redhead licked his painted lips and, when she understood what he had in mind, she blushed and gasped in shock.

"N-no, Mr. Captain! Please d-don't think of me in that way!" She exclaimed, "What I meant was, that I happen to have studied sailing skills, and I also know how to read the stars... I, I am willing to cooperate with you in your journey! Just... don't make me go back. Please, Mr. Captain..."

The redhead had a serious look reflected in his features. His amber eyes were looking at her now pleading E/C eyes. Kid could hear his second-in-command, 'Masacre Soldier' Killer, beside him almost suggesting him that the girl before him meant no harm.


 The redhead turned on his heels.

"Take her to my quarters so I can speak with our little princess in private. I'll decide whatever her use here is." He commanded, making [Name] gulp, as sweat trailed from her forehead. 


The young brunette was sitting on one of the armchairs in the Captain's quarters, thinking about whether getting on this ship was the right thing to do. The truth is that she didn't think much when she escaped; she just did what her heart told her. And she'd rather be with these pirates than spending one more minute with her heartless family, with that man. 

 I'd rather be here with these filthy pirates than get married to that monster. She thought.

Y/N knew that her family wouldn't let her escape that  easily. They'd most likely send marines to search for her, and take her back by force and marry that beast if it was necessary. And that meant going through hell for her again. She couldn't bear it again. She couldn't  go back. 

I don't want to go back... I want to start a new life, make my own decisions, I want my freedom. 

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the wooden door closing, startling her. It was Eustass Kid, and judging by the way he was looking at her and by what he said earlier, she couldn't help but feel scared: He was like a beast, with his amber eyes glowing in the dark, like a wolf chasing for the red riding hood. She couldn't bear being someone else's prey again.

"So you thought you could sneak in my ship, and decide your fate here, princess?" he was now at her eye level, his beast-like eyes staring into her afraid, innocent E/C ones. He lifted her chin with one of his nail-polished fingers. [Name]'s breathing became more unsteady and her eyes were fixed on his not, daring to look away.

"P-please, Mr. Captain, don't... don't hurt me. P-please..." She managed to say in a whisper, not even thinking on raising her voice a little bit. 

 "Then, tell me." He hissed, his face was inches away from hers.  "Why should I trust you?" 

"Because... Because, as I said before, I c-could be helpful for you." She replied. 

"And how could a  fragile woman like you be helpful in my crew?" He scoffed, and now she glared at him.

"Mr. Captain, you should not take me for granted." Y/N has been downgraded enough at her home-island, and as much as she feared to be killed, she decided that she was worthy of respect.

"The fact that I am a woman does not mean that I am weak."

"Well," He smirked and, suddenly, [Name] was pinned against a wall, his face  was again inches away from hers, "Show me you ain't fucking weak."

The truth is, that [Name] was no match for the red-head towering her. However, she knew that men had weak spots. There were lots of possibilities: she could kick him in his testicles, but she most likely would end up being thrown overboard. 

But I could beat him in his own game. 

"Mr. Captain,"  Y/N looked at him, "I could not defeat someone as strong and imposing as yourself. So, trying to fight you would be pointless."

Eustass Kid smirked at this, feeling his ego boost. 

"But," She looked away, blushing, "Your bad breath is making me sick~" She pointed out with a cute tone.

The redhead's amber orbs widened, and he blushed in embarassment. He dropped her to the floor and left the room, screaming profanities in the process. 

[Name]  was still on the floor, chuckling softly. She knew since the beginning this man was cocky, and his ego was as big as an Elbaf giant.

Eustass Kid, you may outstand me physically, but I totally oustand you mentally. 

Maybe this wasn't a bad decision after all.

FREEDOM || Eustass Kid. [SLOW UPDATES]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora