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[a/n: triggering subjects ahead. Please read at your own risk.]

FIXING HERSELF FAST, THE YOUNG LADY WAS READY TO GO DOWNSTAIRS. She wore a long sleeved, lilac dress, which had white lace adorning her neckline and the bottom of her sleeves, with a golden necklace. Her beautiful, silky brunette locks were braided as usual, combed into a nice fishtail braid with the help of Tarte. Thanking the old lady, the [e/c] girl headed towards the door but before leaving the room completely, she turned to the short woman, sending her a whole-hearted smile.

"Do not worry, Tarte." She reassured her. "I will be okay, I promise."

The truth is that [name] wasn't and wouldn't be fine, but she did not want to worry the only person who had cared for her. She hesitated which every step she went down and, as she got closer and his voice got clearer, she felt her heart dropping to her stomach, an overwhelming nausea taking over her, but she could not let him bring her to her knees.

When she finally made it to the tea room's door, she cleared her throat and announced herself.

"Father, Your Highness." She repressed any sign of anguish and bowed before them.

Both males turned around and looked at [name], and she didn't flinch before Kurono Kishi's presence, in order to not abash her parents, and also in order to not let him see any sign of weakness.

What is more, the girl remembered when her governess, Mrs. Unuborette, would say that "...politeness forbids any display of resentment. The polished surface throws back the arrow...", or when she would smack her in the head and scold her saying "To be truly polite, remember you must be polite at all times, and under all circumstances."

"Y/N. Please, have a seat." Her father motioned her to sit down, "We were discussing the final matters for the wedding, which will take place on three days' time."

"Yes, father." She took silent steps, and sat down where her father indicated her -that was, beside her soon-to-be-husband.

"Ah, sweet [name], your presence is always so delightful." the young Kurono commented with a breathy voice, though she knew it was all fake. "And, if I might add, your beauty has no comparison... Neither with Boa Hancock's nor even with Princess Shirahoshi's. I feel like the luckiest man in the world..."

"Your Highness, you certainly honour me." [name] forced a smile and pretended to be flattered, "But you shall know that my beauty is nowhere near to those women's."

"Oh, my dear fiancée, I think you are wrong." He shook his head, taking her hands in his, making the brunette's breath hitch in her throat, even more when his deadly indigo gaze fixed itself on her [e/c] one.

"In my eyes, you are the most beautiful woman that has ever existed." He then turned to her father, with his gloved hands still in hers. "Lothrian-dono, if you let me, I would like to congratulate you for your breathtaking daughter."

Bradley Lothrian III's lips curved into a slight proud smile. [Name] knew that Kurono Kishi had managed to please him, and very few people had achieved that. Not even her young sister, Bradley Lorette—his favourite daughter—had managed to make him smile.

"Prince Kurono, I truly look forward to you being my son-in-law." Clearing his throat, the older male took his wooden pipe from his lips. "Now, if you allow me,there are some matters which I would like to discuss."


So the afternoon passed and, in no time, dinner-time came. The Bradley Family, along with Danelaw's Royal Family sat down in the dining hall, which was enormous. There was a huge table made of the finest wood and on it laid the most exquisite plates ever known to man. There was so much food that the brunette wondered whether it would be enough to feed all the poor people in this unequal world. Furthermore, she believed this 'luxury' to be so obscene, so gross, that she felt disgusted for being a Noble.

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