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"So that's the man, eh?"  Kurono Kishi sat on his throne, with a wanted poster in his hand. The paper crumbled as he hissed the pirate's name. "Massacre Soldier Killer..."

"Y-Yes, y-your highness!" The man known as Jan bowed, lowering his head in what it seemed like respect, but actually was fear. Nervous sweat droplets formed on the subordinate, who was praying for his family's lives to be spared.

The prince's eyes narrowed as he glared to the picture of the masked man pirate. That was the man who his woman was changing him for. And prince Kurono Kishi wasn't one to share his property. 

Lifting his purpleish black orbs, he bored his eyes on his pleading servant. 

"Where is she heading to?" He demandingly asked.

"H-Huh?" The worn out man shot his head up, meeting the prince's bored gaze, his eyes still widened in fear.

"Do I need to repeat myself, Jan?" The prince sighed and closed his eyes, resting his head against his hand. Then, he opened his eyes again, the original colour of his orbs was replaced by a scary, fiery red. And, what made it even more scarier was that these crimson orbs of his bored themselves on the humble, weak servant, making shivers run down his spine.

Abruptely,  everything went dark for the servant; he could no longer  the high throne was no longer visible to him. Desperately, he looked everywhere, trying to find some reason, some escape, but all he found was darkness. Until he felt a presence, as if someone was staring at him.

Hesitantly and with almost unbearable fear, he turned around, meeting the previous two vibrant orbs staring at him from above. Jan could feel his body betraying him, freezing on spot as a result of such a penetrating glare. However, this was not what terrified Jan the most: It was what he saw within those bloody carmine eyes. 

Kishi thrived on the sight, yet decided to be lenient and deactivate his technique, for Jan was from the young prince's mother's favourite servants. He enjoyed seeing his expression, though. It was almost as her expression. 

He was going to get her back. No matter what. 

"Let's start again, Jan." Kishi crossed one leg over the other, and ran a hand through his hair. "Where is she heading at?" 

Jan swallowed hard, pondering what words to say, as if his life depended on it. 

"I am very sorry, Your Highness," Jan kneeled, his head touching the ground in a gesture of sincerity, "I have no accurate information about Lady Y/N's current whereabouts; m-my informants reported to have seen her in Kyozo. S-she was apparently buying an Eternal Pose..."

"Eternal Pose?" Kishi echoed, raising an eyebrow. He was not aware that she would actually know any of that, given a Noble woman only receives education to prepare for marriage, to accompany her eventual husband and to stand by his side in royal events. When the hell did she get her hands in a navigation book?

Then, it dawned on him. All those times in which she hat taken so much time to open the room of her quarters, the sound of a drawer closing...

That whore. She was preparing herself to escape with that lowlife. Kishi concluded, the blood in his veins practically boiling at the thought of losing against a pirate, a filthy pirate.

"Get me a Den Den Mushi." Kishi demanded with a calm that made the tension fill the atmoshere and thicken the air, to the point that it was hard to breathe. The paper crumpled in his grip, on which the glare of the young prince was fixated on. As though in deep thought, Kishi did not speak. So she settled for scum. Such an ominous calm this was, that anyone who was in the room did not dare make a move.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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