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At Danelaw Kingdom's castle...

"...just don't look at him in the eyes, whatever you do." A servant put his hand on his fellow mate's shoulder, and looked at her in concern. "Prince Kishi looks like he's going to murder someone... Miss Y/N-sama's absence has gotten him really upset--go, before he gets mad!"

"L-Loui-san..." She retorted, shivers running down her spine. 

"Hurry up, Marni-chan, go!" He whispered-yelled at the female, hurrying the younger servant.

 Said girl gathered all her courage and made her way to the library room, with a tray in her hands that contained the tea she had been requested. Sweat was forming on her forehead and the tray trembled due to her hands shaking in fear. 

She didn't exagerate at being afraid: In fact, everyone in their right mind would fear prince Kurono Kishi. He was such a dark person, with a dark personality, making him one of the most evil people in the whole world. As she tried to gulp her fear down her throat, the room in which the royal was came to sight, and her steps turned more hesitant, less steady. The young servant could have sworn that there was some kind of pressure that sent shivers to her soul; the room's aura was surely dark, almost visible. 

Young Marni tried to breath and keep calm but the truth was that fear was, at this point, unbearable. Standing at the open door of the room, the petitte, blonde girl took a deep breath before announcing herself. 

"Y-Your Hi-Highness..." Her voice was cracked in fear. The room was dark as midnight, even though the sun was far from setting. "I brought you some t-tea-"

The woman's breath hitched in her throat as suddenly she caught the sight of what she swore were bloody-red, penetrant eyes. Her green orbs widened in horror and her body was suddenly paralized. The tray in her hands, obviously, fell to the floor, making the hot liquid contained inside the teapot spill everywhere and stain the hall's purple carpet and its white as snow walls. Tiny pieces of porcelain were also scattered in the floor, but the young servant couldn't right now pay attention to the mess she had made; her horror was so much that she couldn't even look away from those intense, crimson eyes.

Was it an illusion? Was it real? Poor Marni couldn't tell. All she could see was those eyes and darkness. 

"Disappear from my sight, lowlife."

Suddenly, a loud thud could be heard: Poor Marni had collapsed on the floor. Was it because of the horror? Or had this thing--whatever its powers were--done something to her? 

No one knew. All that Marni's fellow workers could recall was that the door was shut and that said girl was collapsed with her eyes wide open, facing the ceiling. 

Haoshoku haki: said that whoever possesses this power has the qualities of a king. That's what he had used on her, for sure. But there was surely something else besides that. Bloodshot eyes, fear and paralisis? That must surely be a devil fruit--undoubtely it was a devil fruit. 

"Kishi..." A deep, male, raspy, voice reached the prince's ears. "Stop messing around with our servants."

"Do not worry about that scum, father." The ravenette sat on his quarters' armchair, taking one of his hands to his forehead and massaged his sunkissed skin. "I was just testing my abilities."

Yes. The prince had recently acquired the power of a devil fruit, one that--among other things-- allowed the user to create illusions and mirages as he pleased, being these undetectable for the naked eye and, subsequently causing the victim traumatic pain as a reaction to the fear induced. But, being an inexpert user, he hadn't yet mastered what else this fruit had to offer--despite knowing everything about it.

 This fruit basically held the power of inner destruction, and Kurono Kishi would do whatever it took to develop its abilities to the fullest, in order to retrieve the rogue brunette who had dared to escape from him and humilliate him in front of the whole royalty a month ago, get into her mind, and use her for his own good.

"Son." Kurono Sa, father of Kurono Kishi, spoke threateningly to the prince. "Do not speak with such a filthy mouth. Have you forgotten your manners?"

"I haven't, father." He retorted and excused himself, sending his father a sorrowful look. "It's just... since that day, I've had nothing but just rough days, and I can't control my powers propperly just yet. Maybe this is what it feels like to be... heartbroken."

Lies. A man like Kurono Kishi didn't have a heart to break. But, since it was in his nature to be manipulative, he just had to pretend he had one. 

"Dear, you should not be harsh on our son. He is not doing alright. Besides, that scum should not have crossed Kishi's way..." spoke a female, honeyed voice that belonged to the prince's mother, Queen Cascabell.

The queen put a hand to her face and spoke dramatically. "My poor son did not deserve such treatment from the girl he loved... Tell me, Kishi, would it make you happy if your mother had that filthy noble Y/N's head brought for you?"

Queen Cascabell held unconditional love for her son and would support him no matter what crazy choices he'd make. She was one to please the young prince, even if he was out of his mind, even if he intended to kill her so he could rule not only over the West Blue, but also over the rest of the Blues.

"Thank you, but I couldn't accept it, mother... after all," the youngest male pretended to speak sincerely. "Miss Y/N is my first love. I could never touch a single hair on her beautiful head." 

The busty, auburn haired woman squealed in her seat, looking at her husband who just stared at her with a poker face.

 "Can you believe it, my dear? Our baby boy has grown into such a fine, considerate man!" She turned to face the prince now. "That Y/N girl should be regretful for letting you go, Kishi!"

"Oh, but I'm getting her back, mother." He declared, and lips curved into a smirk, his voice was deep and portended his intentions. "I will not give up yet."

Y/N is going to regret the day she dared to mess with me.



Hi, there! It's been a while since I last updated Freedom, hasn't it?

Once again, I'll take advantage of this little space and write this to thank you all for your love and your support. That encourages me to keep on writing for you. 

What do you think about the psycho prince's devil fruit? Do you find it suitable for his character?What do you think so far? I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts! They enrich the story and makes me improve as a writer as well, so don't hesitate comment down below!

Lots of love,


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