Wednesday, 27th of November 2019

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I haven't been here since the last upload.

And that was on 22nd of March, this year. 

The date where MCR broke up 6 years ago. And on 31st of October, Frankies birthday, they announced a reunion. And my heart couldn't keep the happiness. It was an amazing day when I found out. My heart was running, my mind was clouded with emotions and my soul was full. I couldn't even believe that my babies will be back again! Performing! Together! ARGH!

So, here I am composing a burlesque and ranting how happy I am that they're back!

I just knew it! All the theories just came flooding in and I knew that we were right! The fans knew the shit! And to think that I never stopped being emo and a lot has moved on from this "phase" and now that they're back just 'cause MCR is bacc too.

I'm not mad. I'm happy. All the old and new emos are united b'cause of MCR. Although I have been informed that the emos now are very different from the emos before. I know seasons change and people don't but, have these kids seen the golden days? Where we were all bangs and crazy and unique hair styles and A LOT of eyeliner. Black eyeliner. Those were the days I literally knew THAT was who I am. And I never changed since!

Well, I've been trying to get my mental health back to safety. Also trying to open up to people I love and are supposed to know how I am and feel. B'cause they never judged me and they always want whats best for me and what I need then most. They've helped me deal with my demons and still continue to love and support me.


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