The torchwood terror chapter 13 The father Doctor.

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After 15 minutes full of being shocked she finally stopped, me gasping And trying catching my breath, sweat rolling down my forehead. "Wah!" The Doctor yells his voice mad and angry at seeing me having to go though all this pain. "Leave! her! alone!!" "Dad.. it ok." though I knew what that it wasn't, I knew too much how it felt to see someone in pain and being helpless to stop it I gave the Doctor a look of I'm sorry it has to be this way.

The Doctor looks at me and then the torchwood personal. "Katrina, stop. Oi! You!" He starts yelling at the Torchwood team members "Why are you even wasting your time on her? She's nothing. Now, me. I have seen stars be born and die. I've seen the beginning and the end of the universe and everything in between. I have lived so long, seen so much, and yet your testing on her, when she has never done anything close to what I have! So what are you waiting for?"

The personal replies "we have our reasons for testing on her. We've heard a lot about her. Oh.. Doctor to just leave you daughter on earth making her not remember her past. What kind of a father does that make you. How many other timelords are on earth that we don't know about. Drop anymore of your family on earth Doctor?" He states full of love "I did everything to protect her. Because I actually cared." The personal walks up to the Doctor right in his face "well then. Now you have a chance to see how she has been all those days, just ask her. You might be suprised by what you don't know" The Doctor looks deep in thought. "I missed so much of her childhood. I regret that. But it kept her safe."

I look at the Doctor not knowing what to say. Instead I chose to telpathic him "oh Doctor. Since I found out about you I've been wanting adventure but the truth is that's never been the whole reason why. All I wanted all I ever wanted since I first found out. Was to meet you to see you and be with you. You do your best to protect me and I know you do a lot for me. Right now I'm just happy to be with you. To finally see you. Dad. I love you."
He replies back telpathic "I love you too. I promise once we get out of here I will always keep you safe"

I telpathic him "as long as I'm with you. Or you don't forget me if you take me back home. Too many days I longed to see you and be with you. Let this be a change."
I look the personal holding up a strange device. "Put this in your mouth little katrina." I look at it and hesitate but then open my mouth and she places it in there. The taste is discusting and I have a will to spit it out but I dont. She places another in the Doctors mouth.

"So what test is this?" I cringe from the taste of the thing in my mouth. "Oh this is discusting. What is it going to do?" The personal looks at me "Oh this isn't a test this it just a tool." Then she places a wrist band on me and a identical one on the Doctors wrist. The wrist band looks like one of the pressure bands Doctors put on your arm at the Doctors office. Suddenly my body starts to get really warm even really hot and I start to sweat.

The Doctor sees it and spits out his thing really starting to struggle. "Stop it!"

I knowing they can't take care of both us us start to struggle too, I spit out the thing in my mouth but I'm still really really hot. I think it's the other thing. But I can't get it off while I'm shackled. So I'm struggling as best I can. Still burning hot. I telpathic the Doctor "it's the other thing..." I feel so hot like I'm going to pass out.  the Doctor replies back "Katrina, relax just stay still. You'll make it worse, you'll make yourself sick." He struggles harder and shouts at her "Stop, you're hurting her!"

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