The torchwood terror chapter 14 The hot cold test

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The personal ignores his yelling her eyes focused on the computer screen. I stop struggling I'm getting very hot, I see the Doctor is starting to get really hot too. I feel like I'm going to go unconscious. I hear the Doctors heavy breathing as sweat rolls down his forehead. He talks to me his voice sounding exhausted "katrina. Please stay awake.. dont fall asleep. I know You can do it.."

I fight to stay awake. The heat seeming to get increasingly higher in temperature, I remember the days where I slept In the car. I dismiss those thoughts feeling myself getting sleepy again . The Doctor begins to run out of breath still struggling ad hard as he can. His body getting way to hot to be safe. "Katrina... stay awake.. I know you it" I see the personal turn from the computers and smirk. I'm losing focus in my eyes, I hardly can keep my eyes open. Sweat streaming down my forehead "Doctor. .." im on the brink of going unconscious when suddenly my body gets freezing cold, I feel like I'm going to throw up from the sudden change in temperature. I'm wide awake now "burr!" The Doctor quietly says my name. Looking like he is going to pass out "katrina..."

I'm getting colder and colder, I look over at the Doctor and still seeing him sweating and looking sleepy "Doctor? Doctor!" since more awake now I struggle in my shackles "no! Stop that! leave my dad alone!" He falls asleep slumping awkwardly forward and then immediately he starts screaming out. From the temperature change. I hear him, worried "Doctor? Are you ok?" I say shivering. He keeps screaming, trying to stop. And once he finally does he makes himself as small as he can to try to retain his body heat. He stares at the personal and says quietly but in a warning voice "you could of killed me..."

She turns away from the computer screens to face him "well we wouldn't want you do die. But seeing how hot of a degrees you body's can handle. You both were put to the same temperatures apparently you daughter is more durable to the heat. But just barely. And now it's time to see how cold you can get." She turns back to the computer screen. The Doctor is clenching his fists and biting down hard, trying not to scream out as he gets colder and colder, shivering like crazy. "Katrina? You doing ok?.." I'm clenching my fists trying to get warmer, but in failing that I keep doing any way to keep warm oh I think I'm going to be sick. Doctor. .. trying to manage my words though shivering "Doctor. .. I'm sort of ok." I telpathic him. "long periods in the snow helped. And the times sleeping in the car helped too. But it's reaching the temperatures I.. can't ..handle as well..." He replies quietly and sounding weak "just hang on.. katrina. It's ok to be sick just don't hold it in. Let it out or you might make it worse" I telpathic back "right.....burrr. so cold. This is the coldest I've ever...felt."
He cuts of yelling again at the personal. "Stop it!"

Meanwhile where clara is she hears the Doctor screaming. The personal hears. "Hmm sounds like the are testing temperatures" Clara looks at the personal panicked and scared for what they are doing to katrina and the Doctor. But not wanting them to do it to her. "What does that mean!?" The personal talking firm but with a hint of concern in her voice "it means. They are testing how hot or cold their body's can handle." Claras eyes grow wide "that could hurt them!!" The personal looks down. "Yes." "You're going to do that to me aren't you?" She looks at clara "no need. You're human. Not timelord like them." The yelling stops "sounds like the test is done." Clara glares at the personal "so what are you going to do with me then?" She orders the other personal out of the room "I need an answer to a question." "What makes you think I'm going to answer it?" The personal comes up to her and whispers in her ear "do you want to be able to save them? I can help you but I can't let them know." She looks at the personal in the eyes "yes I do. But why would you help me?" She stares at clara "Because. I want to save them too. The Doctor I used to know. I'm from unit. They sent me to stop torchwood. But I can't let them find out. I know it's hard but we can't save him yet. When the time is right we will save them." She resumes interigation "now miss clara? Are you going to keep fighting me or are we going to have to use other methods to get you to talk?"

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