~Centre of Vestoria~

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Heading towards the centre of Vestoria, where the one himself Naga is. I started to have a bad feeling about all of this..like something didn't seem right.

We've entered the centre of Vestoria, but there was nothing "Wolftear..I believe my bad feeling I've been having..just became true" I said "huh? Icy, what do you mean "Bad Feeling?" Dan asked "well..ever since we've got here...I've had a bad feeling, I didn't want to tell you guys till I knew it was true, and it is." I said

"Dan! Dan, can you read me? Come in Dan!"
"Joe?" "You gotta come back! Hurry! Hurry!"
"You serious?!"

"Icy, tell us about this feeling you have" Shun said "alright..well when we first got here, I felt like this whole thing was a trap..Naga wanted us to be here so he would destroy earth" I said "what?!"
"Your saying..that Naga tricked us into being here!?" Dan said as I nodded "I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner..it's just, I thought you guys would say I'm crazy and say it's nothing."

"Well..thanks for telling us. Now we need to get outta here" Dan said "ya..but how?!" Runo asked "I can get us out..but it's a risk, the forgotten ability's are dangerous if not used right." I said "that's a risk we're going to o ah w to take!" Dan said
I sighed as I took the card out
"Forgotten ability Active! Transparent Ice!" A portal opened up

"Nice going!" "Urgh.."
"Wolftear..are you okay?" I asked "fine..don't worry about it" Wolftear said "alright..let's leave this place and save earth!"

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