Chapter 4: The Arrival (To School)

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I am internally punching myself. In my last update I said I would be updating more and now it's been months. My phone broke and so I wasn't able to post so this is the first I'm able to get on my phone for months! Im extremely sorry everyone! Hope you like this chapter!

Bug out!


~🐞Marinette's POV🐞~

I can't believe I'm walking to school with THE Adrien Agreste. I've always dreamed of walking to school with him. "So, what have you been up to?" I froze. What have I been up to? "Uhhh... you know, making outfits, baking, saving Paris from Hawkmoth...." she mumbled the last part so he couldn't hear. "I'm sorry, what was the last thing?" Adrien looked confused and... interested? Adrien? Interested in me? That's a first. "Oh! Uhhh, I said hanging with Alya! Yeah! We've hung out a lot." Adrien looked at me, a little skeptical, but instantly shrugged it off.
We soon arrived at school to see Alya and Nino talking near the entrance as usual. Alya quickly spotted us and her eyes widened. She tapped Nino and tried to subtly point towards us. As we approached they looked at each other and smirked. "Hey girl! How's it goin'? I see you walked to school with Pretty Boy here today." I laughed nervously as we walked into school. This was going to be a long day.


Hey love bugs! Today I got 256 words so that's a pretty good chapter if I do say so myself. See you next week!

Bug out!

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