Chapter 16: Back Together

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Hello! I am so sad but also happy to tell you that this book is almost over. I'm probably going to make around 5 more chapters and it'll be the end! This book has been the best book I've made so far and I'm so glad you guys all love it as much as I do! Please enjoy this chapter!

Buh bye!


Marinette bolted out her door and ran to Alya and Nino's cabin and knocked. She waited a few seconds and knocked again. Still no answer. "SCREW IT I'M COMING IN!" She yelled and barged into the cabin only to find Alya and Nino on their couch making out. They all froze and stared at each other, with Nino seemingly in a trance. Alya was the first to speak up. "Uh, Marinette! Ummm this isn't what you think..." Marinette raised her eyebrow, "Really? So I didn't just see my best friend and her crush making out on a couch?" Alya's face turned beet red and Marinette swore she saw smoke coming out of her ears.

She glared at Marinette and whisper-yelled to her, "Did you seriously just tell him that he was my crush?!" Marinette smirked, "Yeah. But I mean I got you back for teasing Adrien and I. Oh! That's also why I'm here." Nino immediately snapped out of his trance and spoke up, "Did you find him?" Marinette shook her head, "No, but I want to go back to the river and through the forest. If we go down the riverbank we might find a mark that he was there or something that might lead us to him!" Alya and Nino nodded, liking the idea.


Marinette, Alya and Nino raced down to the riverbank and walked all along it, taking in every detail. Then, Marinette spotted something. "Guys! Over here! I found a watch!" Alya and Nino sprinted over as Marinette picked it up. "This looks like Adrien's watch!" They looked at each other for a moment then Alya piped up, "Hey, how come we never saw this before?" Marinette frowned, thinking, until Nino spoke.

"If we didn't, then the story wouldn't keep going and we wouldn't find Adrien. This would be a really boring story if we didn't find anything." The girls looked at Nino and he just shrugged. "Nino, what story? What are you talking about?" Marinette asked. "I don't know I just kind of felt like I had to say that." They all shrugged and ventured deeper into the woods.


Adrien sat there looking at Kathy. "Wow." She whispered, stunned. "Chloè really pushed you off of a cliff? But she meant to push Marinette?" Adrien nodded and she sat back in her chair. They had moved out of the tent and next to the fire. He found out the the guy's name is Micah and he was a little bit meaner than Kathy, and a lot taller. He had blonde hair and I couldn't figure out his eye color because he wore sunglasses so I couldn't see.

"Yeah it was crazy. I wonder how she's holding up right now. Do you think they even know I'm alive?" Kathy shrugged and sighed, "I don't know. If they do, then they'll be looking for you. I told Micah that we're staying here so we can be close to the riverbank. If they come looking for you, we'll find them.


Adrien was just about to fall asleep when he heard something. A distant yell. "Adrien? ADRIEN!" His eyes snapped open and he walked over to the tent where Kathy and Micah were. "Kathy? Micah?" He heard a rustle and a soft voice, "Yeah? What's going on Adrien?" Kathy sat up and yawned as Adrien explained how he heard the voices calling his name from somewhere in the woods.

She quickly scrawled a note onto a piece of paper and left it for Micah to find when he got up. They grabbed flashlights and exited the tent. Then they raced into the forest calling, "Hello? Marinette? Alya? Nino?" This went on for about a minute until someone heard them. "Adrien? Guys I hear Adrien!" He recognized that voice. It was Marinette! They raced through the trees calling out to each other until they were close enough to see each others' flashlights.

His flashlight shined on the face of his girlfriend and he beamed. "Oh my god, Marinette I'm so glad I found you." He pulled her into a hug and then kissed her. It was a deep kiss, filled with so much emotion. When they pulled away Marinette was crying. "I never thought I'd see you again." She said between sobs.

He chuckled and pecked her lips. Then Marinette noticed who he was with. "Umm, Adrien, who's this?" She pointed at Kathy, who she thought looked oddly similar to her. "Marinette, meet Kathy. She and Micah helped me when they found me on the riverbank." Marinette looked puzzled, "Who is Micah?" Adrien facepalmed, "Oh right, you don't know him. He's Kathy's, uh, what is he to you?" It wasn't until just now that Adrien realized he didn't know what Micah was to Kathy..Kathy giggled, "He's my brother. We don't look alike, I know."

Marinette nodded in understanding. After a lot of talking and hugs hello and goodbye, Kathy left to go back to Micah while Adrien, Alya, Nino, and Marinette went back to the cabins.


Hey guys! I got 945 words in. WOW! I think this is my longest chapter yet. I'm so glad you guys love my story so much and I'm so sad it's almost over. I love you all and thank you so much for reading!

Buh bye!

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