Chapter 19: The Last Day Pt. 2

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Hehe. He. Hehehe. I'm sorry. It's been almost a whole month. I've had major writer's block and I have had NO IDEAS AND IT'S SO ANNOYING! But I'm lying in my bed at midnight and I'm going to write this entire chapter. Hopefully. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and please read the a/n at the end for more stuff. Also thanks so much to Seasonshine for helping me come up with this chapter!

Chloè sighed as she walked back to her cabin. How come one of the people I actually like turns out to be gay? Of course, there's Adrien but that will never happen. He and Marinette are happy with each other and nothing will separate them.

As she was walking she looked down at her feet. Because of that, she ended up bumping into someone. She looked up in surprise, "Oh my God I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." The guy just smiled, " It's okay. I wasn't really looking where I was going." She blushed. He was good looking, striking grey eyes and long dirty blonde hair tied up in a bun. He was tall and fit, but not overly muscular. Maybe the universe likes me after all. She smiled at him and realized he was in the middle of their campground.

Her eyebrows knit together in confusion, "Why are you here?" she questioned, "Not that I mind you being here it's just that you're in the middle of my school's campground and there's nothing to get to where you have to go through." she added quickly. He chuckled, "I'm looking for a kid named Adrien. Have you seen him?" her eyebrows shot up, "Adrien? Yeah, I can show you where he is." she paused, "Hold on, is your name Micah?" He shook his head yes.

Chloè chuckled, "Adrien told us all about you and Kathy and about how you saved him." He looked surprised but shrugged. "I guess I should have expected that. Speaking of, have you seen a girl with black hair, blue eyes, and freckles? She's kind of short but very sweet." It sounds like he's describing Marinette. It couldn't be Marinette he's looking for... is it? She shook her head to remove the thoughts. "Well, what's her name? It sounds like you're describing Marinette, but I don't know how you'd know her." He looked slightly confused before understanding washed over his face.

He chuckled, "Her name is Kathy, but I'm pretty sure I heard Adrien mention Marinette once or twice." Chloè nodded and looked at Micah apologetically. "Sorry, but I haven't seen her. I could help you look if you'd like?" Micah smiled, "Thanks. I promised her I'd talk to Adrien with her so if I left to find him without her it wouldn't be a pretty sight." he grimaced as Chloè giggled.

They made their way around the campground, making small talk and getting to know each other and although they didn't know it, they were slowly falling for each other more and more. As they walked around, people noticed the young man walking next to their fellow classmate, who appeared to actually be deep in love for what seemed to be the very first time.

Okay so I'm going to make a part 3 but I thought this would be a good place to stop for now and, again, I'm so sorry for taking so long. If you want some snippets of upcoming chapters and stuff like that then go follow my Tumblr (Artsy_Lily). I hope you guys are all doing well and I'll give you the next chapter soon. (hopefully)

Word count: 605

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