Chapter 14: Chloè's Plan Pt. 2

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I'm sorry it takes so long to update! I'm really busy with online school and other things my parents make me do. I hope you like this chapter though!  I was also thinking, if this book gets to 6k views I'll do a face reveal! Idk why that would be exciting but I'll do it.


She ran to the edge and looked over to see no trace of him. Marinette screamed, "ADRIEN!" and looked over at Chloè, who was horrified. "You did this! You evil little son of a-" "MARINETTE! Girl, calm down please. We don't need another person thrown off of the cliff." Alya soothed her and helped her calm down before  they heard Chloè speak. "I-I'm so sorry. I-I don't know what I was thinking. Adrien is gone all because of me." Tears started to prick her eyes. Marinette sighed, "Look, they might be a chance he's still alive. We're just going to have to look for him." She turned to Ms. Bustier, "Do you know where that river goes?" Her teacher nodded and beckoned to the class to follow her.

They turned around and started to go back only to take a different path when they were almost back to the cabins. When they arrived at the water's edge, Marinette couldn't see Adrien or anything else in the water. Then, she slowly crumbled to the ground and cried.

Adrien's POV

(I bet you didn't expect this)
"ADRIEN!" He heard her scream. Oh no, Marinette! Wait, where am I? He slowly opened his eyes to find he was washed up on a riverbank. How did I survive that fall?I did fall, right? I was pushed and fell off a cliff? Did I fall in the water? I must have since I'm on a riverbank. Hey, maybe I'll find some money in this riverbank. No Adrien. This is a bad time for jokes. Oh crap, Marinette must be so worried! "Hello?" He yelled into the forest, which was just a few feet in front of him. "Can anyone hear me?" After a moment of silence, he walked into the forest, on his way back to Marinette.

Marinette's POV

"Alya, what do I do?" She cried, hugging Alya, soaking her shirt. "Uh, the first thing you should do is calm down. I know this is stressful and you're scared, but the worst thing to do right now is overreact. There is a chance he's still alive. For now, let's go talk to Chloè. She'll have to tell us why she did that." Marinette nodded and the two girls walked over to the diva, who had her mascara dripping down her face. "Chloè, we have to ask you some questions and you have to answer them truthfully." She nodded and sat up straight. "The first question, is why? Why would you even try to do that to someone?"

Chloè sniffled and sighed. "I was blinded with rage. I hated seeing you and Adrien together so happy. I've never been able to have that. I've never even had a real friend. Adrien was the closest thing I've ever had to a friend, and now I've lost him. I meant to push you, Marinette but I'm so sorry I ever thought of it, I really am!" Tears we're running down her face, and Marinette could see that she meant it. "It's okay Chloè." Marinette soothed. "Um, it is?" Alya whispered.

Marinette nodded and smiled softly, "I feel bad for her. She looks traumatized and can you imagine having no friends?" Alya scoffed, "With her attitude, why would she have friends?" Marinette huffed and turned back to Chloè. "Thanks for telling me." Then they turned and walked away.

Adrien's POV

(Again? Yes.)
"Hello?" His voice got weaker and weaker as time went on. He stumbled past the trees and bushes only to pass out from exhaustion a few minutes later. He started to gain consciousness but then he heard voices. "Is he dead?" "No, I don't think so. He's still breathing." "What do we do?" There was a shuffling sound in front of him. "Help me put him onto my back. I'll try and carry him to the campsite." Then he passed out again.


Well. Here it is! Sorry if it's not the best. I got 750 words so hip hip hooray. I've been painting a lot and I'm thinking of painting my converse high tops. I have the perfect idea too. Anyway, thank you so much for reading!

Buh bye!

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