Chapter 13: Chloè's Plan Pt. 1

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Hello! I'm back with another chapter! I'm so glad you guys are loving this book as much as I am. You have no idea how much this means to me. Anyway, on with the story!

Sabrina's POV

     Sabrina was doodling in her sketchbook when all of a sudden she heard someone shriek her name. "SABRINA! GET OVER HERE NOW!" She sighed and walked over to Chloè, her "best friend". "Yes Chloè? What do you need?" She got a scowl as the first half of her answer. "I have a plan to get Adrien and Marinette to break up. And I need your help." Sabrina's eyes widened, "What? But why? They're happy together! And I thought you were starting to like-" "BE QUIET!" She cut her off. "Now, will you help me or not?" Sabrina nodded reluctantly, as Chloè smirked. "Good."

Marinette's POV

     Marinette woke up to her amazing boyfriend right beside her. His bed head is so cute. She thought. "You really think it's cute?" Adrien chuckled. Marinette froze, "Did I say that out loud?" She asked nervously. Adrien nodded and Marinette groaned. She jumped out of bed to get her clothes so she could get dressed. "Hey Adrien, do you know what we're doing today?" Adrien thought for a second, "I think we're going for a hike. Why?" She shrugged even though he couldn't see her. "Just wanted to know so I can wear the appropriate clothes." She grabbed some shorts and a tank top and walked to the bathroom to change. She came out with Adrien all dressed and in hiking shoes so she got hers on and they headed out.

     Once they got to their meeting spot, they noticed something felt off. Then they saw that Chloè wasn't there yet. She's never late. She and Adrien exchanged glances and both were thinking the same thing: why was Chloè late and what was she doing? After about 15 minutes she finally arrived looking smug. Marinette glared at her the entire time as she sashayed down to the group. "Let's go Mrs. Bustier! I don't have all day! We need to get this over with because I have something I have to do after our hike." Everyone rolled their eyes while Mrs. Bustier simply glared at her. "Well Chloè, maybe if you weren't so late, we would have left sooner." There were some 'ooh's as Chloè's jaw dropped.

Once the laughter died down and everyone was quiet, they started on their hike. They were supposed to be walking 4 miles on a giant loop. Every 30 minutes they would stop because someone needed to take a break and check their nails. About halfway through, they came to a waterfall that was the most gorgeous thing Marinette had ever seen. The only thing she worried about was the cliff. They had to walk along the cliff to get under the waterfall and she was afraid she might fall off, or worse, someone else might fall off.

It was at that moment the Marinette realized that it was quiet. A little too quiet. There was no Chloè whining about her feet hurting or getting dirty. She stepped to the side and turned around just to see Chloè dive at her to push her off the cliff. Except, instead of pushing her off, she hit Adrien.


Hi guys! I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but I wanted to leave you on a cliffhanger. 😈 Anyway, I got 590 words in so that's not bad. I'm going to start making the next chapter tomorrow, so don't worry! I'll try not to take too long on this one though. Love you guys!

Buh bye!

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