Chapter 14

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Prince's POV

My brother and I got into a fight that was so serious, someone had to call campus security. No bones were broken, but we're both suspended from school for a week.

Blanket and I have never gotten into fight that serious. Yeah, we've slapped or punched each other, but we've never drawn blood. We've never gone that far.

We sit in the office waiting for our grandparents to arrive. I know that we are both scared to death about what they're going to say and how we are going to be punished. There are some times when all of us, including my grandma, are afraid of our grandpa. With the past he has had with our dad and aunts and uncles, we get scared whenever he gets angry.

I'm just hoping that I don't get in as much trouble as Blanket, because he is the one that started the fight.

My heart drops down to my stomach when I hear a knock at the door. I'm relieved to see my grandma walk in. . .alone.

She quietly takes a seat in between Blanket and I, and waits for the principle to speak. "Are you their legal guardian?" Mr. Schulz asks and my grandma nods. "Yes, I'm Katherine Jackson. I'm their grandmother." Mr. Schulz nods and rolls his chair forward. He folds his hands on top of his desk, presses his lips into a straight line, and looks between my brother and I. 

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jackson. Boys, would you mind explaining what happened?" Mr. Schulz asks and I look at Blanket from the corner of my eye. I know he is doing the same, and we sigh simultaneously. 

"I saw him in the hallway and I asked him what he was doing at school so early, because our sister-r-friend got into a car accident and she's in the hospital right now. We didn't think he was ready to come back yet because this really impacted him, so we thought it would be a good idea to keep him out of as much stress as possible." 

Mr. Schulz smiles and Blanket glares at him. He opens his mouth to object, but the principle beats him to it. "Yes, each person in our faculty has been notified of the tragedy. After all, she was one of our students."

"She is  a student," Blanket blurts out rudely. "She's not  dead."

Mr. Schulz sighs and looks at me once again. "Prince, here, is a stress free zone. School should be a place where everyone feels safe and welcome." I shake my head and sigh again. My lip stings as I run my tongue over the bleeding wound. 

"That's not what I meant. I meant, like, friends hounding him asking what happened and homework. It just adds to the stress and our home life isn't exactly what you would call good right now."

"Ah." Mr. Schulz nods and looks at my brother. "Do you have anything to say, Michael?" Our principle asks Blanket. Michael? My grandma and I have the same reaction. 

Blanket shakes his head and sighs. He brings his hand up to his forehead and rubs one of his temples. 

Mr Schulz looks at grandma fondly. "We have ordered both boys one week out of school suspension," She slowly nods, and Mr. Schulz looks between my brother and I, half frowning. "And I'm sorry to say, boys, that this will go on your record."

"Whatever." Blanket asserts, quickly standing. He walks straight out the door without saying anything more. My grandma and I look at each other, then to the principle. We apologetically stare and shake hands with him before leaving ourselves.

Blanket's POV

After walking out of the principles office, I run into Natalie's old friend, Sheyenne.

"Blanket, hi!" She cheers excitedly with a wide smile. I can't find the kindness in me to greet her back, so I just stay silent. 

"What in the world happened to you?" The annoying girl asks and I look down at the ground, then back to her. I shake my head and she waits for me to explain. 

"Me and my brother got into a fight." I say quickly just as her eyes widen and she gapes.

"That was you in the middle of that huge crowd?" She asks and I nod. "Wow." She mumbles and looks up at the ceiling. "Did you win?" She asks after a few moments of silence and I can't help but release a chuckle. "I think so." I look up at her from the ground with a smile.

Sheyenne moved away for a little while, but she ended up coming back. I don't know exactly why, but it was right around the time Natalie got into her accident. Sheyenne didn't find out until last week what happened to her best friend, my twin sister, and it shattered her. She is still in the middle of getting settled into her old house. And it hurts me to wonder whether or not Natalie is going to be able to find out that her best friend is back in town.

I turn around when I hear footsteps and see my brother and grandma making their way down the hall. 

"I gotta go." I quickly dismiss myself and Sheyenne waves goodbye. I walk to and out the main doors of the school, hoping neither of them saw me talking to a girl.

The wind is cool against my skin and I shiver. I really should start wearing jackets when it gets cold outside. 

My brother and grandma exit the building just a few short moments after me. Their presence angers me and it takes everything for me to not start another screaming match. I have done nothing but too much of that lately, and it has gotten me nowhere. It has only caused problems for everyone else.

"Come on, Blanket. We have to go face your grandfather now." Grandma explains and fear quickly washes over me. The last thing I want to do is speak to anyone right now; especially my grandpa. The Lord knows what he will do when he finds out that I got into a fight, let alone that I was the one who started it.

The car ride is silent the entire way. Half way back home, grandma turns the radio on and a cheesy pop song plays through the speakers. I sigh numerous times and stare out the window. 

I wish I could control my behavior.

I want to talk to Paris.

Taryn's POV

"The boys got into a fight at school." Joseph informs Michael and I, and we gape simultaneously. We looks at each other, then back to Joseph. 

"What happened?" I ask and Joseph throws his hands in the air, shaking his head. "I don't know. At this rate, I don't really care. They got themselves into something together, they have to solve it together." He explains and Michael's face falls.

"Where are they now?" He asks. I am still speechless. "On their way here." Joseph answers and I turn around to look at Paris. Her eyes are wide and she is smiling. "What?" I mouth and she shakes her head. 

"Well, I hope they didn't hurt each other too badly." Michael says and I nod in agreement. "I wonder, who even started the fight?" I ask.


"Probably Blanket." Everyone in the room answers simultaneously.

That's no surprise, I guess.

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