Chapter 30

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Michael's POV

After a few more hours with Natalie, we dismiss ourselves, promising to return tomorrow. I hug and kiss my daughter goodnight, telling her that I would love to stay, but she suggested that I go home with my parents and get some rest.

When we finally arrive back at my parents' house, everyone exits the car quickly and disappears into the house within minutes.

"Why aren't you getting out, Michael?" mother asks in her sweet, soft voice.

 "Mother, I have been thinking." I sigh, staring between her face and the dashboard.

"About what, dear?"

"Whether I should come back or leave again."

My mother's face falls. She seems a bit disappointed and at a somewhat loss for words. 


"I made a promise to Natalie that if she came back, I would, too. And since we thought she wouldn't, I thought that I would just leave again, but see what that did to my kids? They were so mad at me - well, the boys were. So, I was thinking that if I came back for good, I would be able to see you guys everyday, I would get my kids back, and I would get to start preforming again."

My mother licks her lips and sighs. 

"Michael, you said it yourself that you are in too much danger here, and have you thought about how the world will take it? They will be so angry with you for lying to them."

"I know that, mother, but my true fans would be so happy. Wouldn't you be happy, too? I wouldn't have to hide away and sneak around just to see my family anymore. It would be just like the old times."

My mother squeezes my knee and sighs again. I know that she is worried, but I want her to know that I have thought long and hard about what this could do to me, but I am willing to do it for my kids.

"Didn't you say so yourself that you didn't want to be on stage after fifty?" mother asks and I smile wide. 

"I still owe them one last concert." I say and mother smiles.

Joseph's POV

"Blanket!" I call after my youngest grandson as he makes his way up the stairs. To his bedroom, I assume. He ignores me, so I decide to let him be. Prince and Paris sit in the living room with the rest of the family on the couch, Taryn on the love seat, and I in the recliner chair, waiting until my wife and Michael come back inside. When they finally do, they walk into the living room and take a seat.

"I would like to talk with you guys about something that has been on my mind for quite a while." Michael says with that soft voice of his. I had never really liked it because I know he has a usual deep voice like his brothers, but he never uses it.

"Where is Blanket?" he asks and I point to the balcony at the top of the stairs. Michael nods and stands, and Katherine grabs his wrist. He looks down at her and half smiles. "Let me," he whispers. "I will be back." he disappears into the hall way and we listen as he makes his way up the stairs.

"Do you have any idea what he's talking about?" I ask Katherine and she nods. She pushes her glasses up her face and folds her hands across her lap.

"I very much do so, but I would like Michael to explain for himself." she answers and I lean back. I sigh and the living room falls silent as we wait for Michael to return with Blanket.

Blanket's POV

Three taps sound on the frame of my open door, and I turn around to see who it is. I thought that it would be my mom or Paris, but I was corrected when I found my dad's tall, thin figure standing in the door way with a shy smile. I motion for him to come in, and return to my previous position: lying on my stomach across my bed, facing my window. 

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