Chapter 21

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Prince's POV

"Blanket, wake up." I whisper, shaking his shoulder. 

He hates being woken up, so I try my best to back away when I move him in hopes to not be hit when he opens his eyes.

"Blanket, get up. We have to leave soon!" I say a little louder. He stirs a little, then finally opens his eyes.

"Get out." Blanket blurts. I turn around when I hear footsteps. I find Paris in the doorway of Blanket's room, fixing her ear rings and smiling. She rolls her eyes before stepping into the room and sitting on our brother's bed.

"Blanket, I know you're tired, and we're so happy you finally got some sleep, but you need to wake up now. Today's a pretty important day, and I'm sure you're gonna want to be there." Paris coos. Blanket opens one eye, looking at her. He then shoots up out of his bed, tossing his blue comforter to the floor. 

"What, are you guys gonna watch me get dressed or something? Get out!" Blanket shoos Paris and I out of his room and we laugh, doing as he ordered without hesitation. He nearly slams the door once we are in the hallway, and we share a smile with one another.

"I don't think I've ever seen him so happy." I joke and Paris's smile fades a little but doesn't disappear from her face. She shrugs and presses her lips together for a split second, staring at the floor, then glancing back up at me.

"Not since he was about this tall, at least." I add, placing my hand just above my knee. Paris smiles and playfully rolls her eyes.

"Or since before everything went down with Nat." she adds and I nod. She presses her lips together in an awkward smile before spinning on her heel and shuffling down the hallway toward her room.

Paris's POV

It makes me happy to see Blanket the way he is. He is the kind of person that does not adapt to change easily or well, and when things go his way, he is the most happy-go-lucky person alive.

The excitement of seeing Natalie today consumes me and I can barely focus on fixing my makeup. The last time I had seen her eyes open was about two-or-so months ago, and that was back at Golden Corral when the four of us decided to go out unsupervised.

That will never happen again.

"Is everyone ready?" grandma calls up the stairs, making me jump and nearly smearing my eyeliner and poking myself in the eye. 

"Yeah!" Prince and I call in sync. I look into my mirror and carefully wipe under my eye socket with makeup remover and a Q-Tip.

"You coming?" Blanket swings into my room, making me jump again.

"Yes, B, I'm coming. I'll meet you all downstairs." I assure my youngest brother and he nods, then disappears into the hallway. His loud footsteps pound down the stairs and I can't help but chuckle at his excitement.

Once I am finally pleased with the way I look, I unplug my flat iron, grab my phone off of its charger, and make my way down stairs. Nobody is in the living room, so I follow the overlapping voices into the kitchen, where I see everyone crowded around the dining room table and island.

 "Sorry, you were taking too long, so we started without you." Jermaine says and I roll my eyes playfully and smile. Grandma hands me a plate, and I make my way around the kitchen, piling it with breakfast consisting of ham, eggs, pancakes, sausage, and milk.

Everyone is here: Jermaine, Marlon, Tito, Jackie, Janet, LaToya, Randy, and Rebbie.

I smile wide as I  set my plate in between dad and Marlon, and hug each of my aunts and uncles before finally sitting myself and eating. 

"Where are all the kids?" I ask, referring to my many cousins and everyone laughs.

"I don't think they would let all of us in there at the same time." Jermaine says and I tilt my head back and forth.

"That's true. We have such a big family." I say and everyone nods in agreement, too busy chewing their food to speak.

There really are a lot of us; I don't think they will even let the number of us that are going into Natalie's room. It just simply would not fit all of us.

The rest of our meal time is filled with silence. It seems to me as if everyone is eating rather quickly, which isn't abnormal in our family.

We are all very excited to go see Natalie; hocked that she had made a miracle recovery the night before she was supposed to be taken off of life support.

(Hey guys! I'm sooooo sorry for such a late update D: please forgive me! Anyways, I'm so sorry to say that the story is almost over. :/ I hope you are all enjoying the story, and please don't forget to drop a comment and click the "vote" button. Oh! And happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have an awesome time with your families/friends, and eat a ton! Gobble, gobble.

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